"Either the helper is not running, or something is preventing it from communicating with 1Password"


After reinstalling windows on my PC, i cannot get the 1password browser extension working again in chrome.

I;m running Sophos AV.

Clicking the browser extension does nothing, so i followed the advice to authorise in Sophos. Now when i click the icon i get:

Looking for the 1Password helper
The 1Password helper must be running for the extension to work properly.

I have followed advice to DisableCodeSignatureVerify in regedit. This does nothing.

Please can someone offer me advice on what to do next?



  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Have you tried the steps described in the Sophos Endpoint Antivirus article in the 1Password 4 for Windows Knowledgebase?

  • mcai8rw2
    Community Member


    Yes, as mentioned in my previous post i have authorised in Sophos AV.

  • mcai8rw2
    Community Member

    Actually..i should also say, that i can see the "Agile1PAgent.exe" process in Task Manager.

  • Flash04
    Community Member

    I have the same issues. It all started on my side with installing 1Password 4. Deinstalled it. Resulted in above bug. Deinstalled 1Password 1, reinstalled. Problem remains. Removed the Chrome browser extension, reinstalled. Still same issues. BUT: in IE it works, but I am not sure if this is good or bad. Wat is certainly bad is that I contacted support, but have no answer yet. Anyone else suffering from this bug? What to do?

  • mcai8rw2
    Community Member

    yeah... definitely a proper bug then. I guess the only thing to do is to wait for a fix :( I think 1password was $50 too! And its just as troublesome as last-pass!

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @mcai8rw2‌ @Flash04 Please re-start the 1Password helper here: Help > Restart 1Password Helper

  • mcai8rw2
    Community Member

    Done that.... no change. Still says "Looking for the 1Password helper"

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2014

    @mcai8rw2‌ Can you press the 1Password key button in your web browser, and then send us a Diagnostics Report, please?

    Help > Diagnostics Report > E-mail to AgileBits...

    Please include a link to this discussion, so that we can "connect the dots". Thanks!

  • Matthias Langhard
    Matthias Langhard
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    So I have this problem as well (Firefox 32.0.2) Not all the time. Sometimes it works and sometimes not.
    This occurs since the update to 1Password 4. Don't have Sophos AV installed...

  • Flash04
    Community Member

    I upgraded now to 1Password 4 and see - the Chrome browser extention works now. The support responce was now friendly and to the point.

  • mcai8rw2
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    Hello, the forum will not allow ZIP files to be attached. I have emailed it, or you can download it here:

    [edit: link removed]


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @mcai8rw2‌ please send your diagnostics report to here:

    support+windows AT agilebits DOT com


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    ...and please include a link to this forum thread in your e-mail message, @mcai8rw2‌.

    Thank you!

  • mcai8rw2
    Community Member

    Thank DBrown... i have done that also.


  • mcai8rw2
    Community Member

    Any update on this? If I can't get 1password working adequately then it really isn't fit for purpose! I'd love to know if you found anything?

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2014

    @mcai8rw2‌ Please update to our latest BETA version, and then turn OFF this setting:

    Help > Advanced > Verify web browser code signature



  • mcai8rw2
    Community Member

    @svondutch‌ - sorry... this had no effect. I am now running the BETA with that setting turned on and off (it was already off though). Still ot playing.

    Also... just to be sure i uninstalled Sophpos Antivirus. So that is out of the equation now.


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @mcai8rw2‌ something is blocking the (WebSockets-based) connection between the extension and the agent/helper. Probably some anti-virus "solution".

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @mcai8rw2‌, please see Troubleshooting > The browser extensions in the 1Password for Windows knowledgebase for tips.

  • mcai8rw2
    Community Member

    @svondutch I see. I have uninstalled Sophos, so i don;t believe that is getting in the way any more. However, your explanation of the issue gives me a general purpose concept with which i can work on. Some kind of internal blockage! Fnurr, fnurr.

    @DBrown I will see if there is anything in the Troubleshooting section.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Do let us know how it goes, @mcai8rw2‌!

  • mcai8rw2
    Community Member

    Ok so, after a complete reinstall of windows this issue is no longer an issue and everything works as it should do.

    Whats really annoying about this whole affair is that I had to reinstall the WHOLE CHUFFING OPERATION SYSTEM to get it to work properly!

    Somewhere down the line the image that use to reimage my domain PCs has become guff. So not only did I have to spend all day today reinstalling windows on multiple affected PCs, but now I'm going to have to start rebuilding a new work applicable image from scratch.

    Its just so annoying, how inflexible windows is! I mean all indications were that all services etc were running fine, and that there was no reason at all it shouldn;t work... but, it didn't work!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    @mcai8rw2, I'm very happy to hear things are working correctly again! It's certainly frustrating to have to completely reinstall Windows to solve the problem, though - especially on multiple PCs.

    Hopefully 1Password will be fine now, but if you happen to run into other problems, please do let us know.

This discussion has been closed.