Syncing two different databases

Not sure where to post this.. I have a Mac at home and I use Dropbox to store my password data. On my iPhone I also use Dropbox (same data). But at work, they block Dropbox on our network, so I was forced to make a copy of the Dropbox file and place it locally on my computer. Since that time, I have added a few items to my work computer, that are not in the Dropbox copy.

Is there anyway to take both databases (Dropbox files) and sync them? For example, at home I have had to change my Amazon password, but the copy on my work computer is the old password. What I try to do is manually update the work one to keep them in sync, but I may forget. Is there a tool that I can run on both where it will ask "do you want this password or this one"? "I see you have an entry on this one that isn't on this one, do you want to copy it over to the database that doesn' have it"? You get the idea.



  • RichardPayne
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    Normally to you'd have to do it manually to merge two different vaults using the File > Import/Export functions. However, in this case, if the work copy is actually a copy of the dropbox vault then the encryption keys will be the same and you might be able to do this:

    1. Take a copy of the vault from work home with you.
    2. Make sure 1Password for Mac is fully synced with Dropbox.
    3. Backup the Dropbox vault.
    4. Copy your work vault over the one in Dropbox.
    5. Re-sync 1Password for Mac.

    Since 1PfM stores all of the data on an internal database and just uses the agilekeychain for sync, this should result in the two data sets being merged.

    That said, I have never tried this so before you do this, let's wait for some of the Agilebits guys to chime in. They might spot problems that I'm not aware of.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Another (perhaps simpler) option is to use the Wi-Fi sync capability built into 1Password for Windows (on your work computer) to sync your 1Password data with 1Password for iOS on your iPhone, when you're at the office.

  • ajahn
    Community Member

    I'm interested in this wi-fi option. How is that done? Do I only sync when I need to? Does it sync both ways? What is the process? Thanks

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    I'm interested in this Wi-Fi option. How is that done?

    Do I only sync when I need to?

    In 1Password 4 for iOS7, you need to press a button. In 1Password 5 for iOS8, it is automatic.

    Does it sync both ways?


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