No response to request for tech support - is this normal?

I've just begun using 1Password, with high hopes that it will satisfy needs that Dashlane has not, but I'm still in trial period and am having some issues with my Windows installation. I submitted an email request for tech support four days ago, with a reminder yesterday, and have received no response (other than a form acknowledgment when first submitted). Is this kind of delay normal? Is it what I can expect if I become a full subscribing customer? Have to admit I'm pretty disappointed.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    With our having recently released several major upgrades, our e-mail support team is working literally around the clock to help people as quickly as possible. This is definitely not the norm.

    Please know that help requests sent by e-mail are handled in the order in which they are received, and sending a follow-up message actually moves you to the end of the list (which is based on most recent contact), so we ask that you wait for a reply—it'll come as soon as we can manage it—or, if possible, post your question here, where the forum team and your fellow users may be able to help a little sooner.

    We sincerely regret the inconvenience, and we thank you for your patience!

  • jcat
    Community Member

    It might be useful to indicate somewhere both the size (and apparent unusualness) of the current backlog, and the fact that additional contact moves you back down the list - something which seems kind of questionable anyway. So if I wait for a week, not knowing the reason for the exceptional delay, and then contact you, having no way of knowing not to, not only will I get no response letting me know what's going on (or telling me that I shouldn't send follow-ups), but I'll also have to wait another week - assuming I don't figure out on my own that I shouldn't send another reminder, in which case I'd get shunted back yet again? Something seems wrong with that. If I hadn't posted here I'd probably just have given up and gone back to Dashlane.

    But in light of your response, I will continue to wait. In this case my issue required me to send you all my logs. I've googled the issue to death and attempted all fixes that I was able to find on forums and elsewhere. So at this point I really need the help of your technical support people rather than fellow users.

    Thanks for replying so quickly.

  • Peter_Pappas
    Community Member

    When you see the AgileBits logo on the right side of a post that means it is an AgileBits person from the company responding.

    I would post your question here and not think that every response is from lay people. Even the higher ups big dohickys respond in here when they are "resting" so their leisure time is often spent in here.

    It really oils the gears and sometimes you can even see a cross conversation between the techs being discussed on your problem right in front of your eyes. I would do that, besides just waiting. It is quite a family atmosphere among them so treating them roughly like a big conglomerate is a misdirection of your efforts.


  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    +! @Peter_Pappas‌

    Besides, the rest of us lay people aren't completely incompetent. ;)

    @jcat, what's the problem you're having?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    I understand your frustration, @jcat, and I apologize again for the delay.

    You're right not to post your 1Password logs or diagnostics report here in the forum, but feel free to open any subject that doesn't include personal information.

    Thanks again for your patience.

  • jcat
    Community Member

    So it has now been two full weeks since last time I contacted 1Password (my "follow-up" email that apparently put me at the end of the queue), and I've heard absolutely nothing. I'm about to uninstall my trial version of 1Password and call it a failure, since there are no circumstances under which I can consider two weeks an unacceptable amount of time to wait for _any_response to a support ticket (other than the original acknowledgment of receipt) . I can't see paying for software under these conditions. But I'm very disappointed to have to do this, so as my last-ditch effort before throwing in the towel I thought I'd try posting here one more time just to see if anyone else might have suggestions - including anyone who might have had the same experience, which would let me know that giving up might be the right course of action.

    (And while I appreciate the offer, I am not interested at this point in posting my problem here. I've researched extensively in these forums and elsewhere on the web to try to solve it, and at this point, I believe I need 1Password's tech support people to review my logs and diagnostics to help me with the issue.)

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    @jcat Can you send me your problem, please?

    stefan AT agilebits DOT com

    I will personally look into your problem. Thanks!

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    This forum is manned by AgileBits support and development team members, as well as your fellow members of the 1Password community, @jcat, but you couldn't be in better hands than those of @svondutch.

    We apologize sincerely for the delay.

This discussion has been closed.