1Password 4 Chrome extension feels like a step backwards

Mike Sandercock
Mike Sandercock
Community Member
edited October 2014 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I've been using 1Password 3 for a while now and I recently upgrade to 1Password 4 and installed the new extension. Unfortunately it's a big step backwards compared to the 1Password 3 extension. Right now, my 4 main issues are as follows.

1) You cannot edit your logins directly in the extension. It was so convenient with 1P3, if I needed to make a change I just pressed edit. Now I need to open the app and re-log in which is slow and annoying.

2) Can't create new logins directly in the extension. Again, it was super convenient with 1P3, but once again I need to switch over to the app and re-log in to make a new account

3) Clicking a login does not open a new tab/window. It does nothing with the new extension unless you're on the page you want to log into. It does however work from the search popup but that is still so much slower than just pressing the login that the extension has already displayed.

4) Can't mouse over a login to display its contents. Every time I need to change or update something I have to switch over to the app, which is so much slower. To display a logins content in the extension you have to right click on it before it pops up which is super annoying and slow.

Any suggestions? I'm thinking about rolling back to 1Password 3 because this new extension is so inconvenient.


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    You cannot edit your logins directly in the extension.

    Please right-click on a Login item. A new popup menu appears. From here, you can open this Login item in the 1Password app.

    Can't create new logins directly in the extension.

    We recommend Auto-Save in the web browser.

    Clicking a login does not open a new tab/window.

    You can change this behavior here: Settings > Open Login In > New Tab

    Can't mouse over a login to display its contents.

    Please please the Tab key while the mouse cursor is over a Login item (or press the right mouse button).

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    2) Can't create new logins directly in the extension. Again, it was super convenient with 1P3, but once again I need to switch over to the app and re-log in to make a new account

    As @svondutch writes, it's best to accept 1Password's offer to save Login items for you. If you need to do it by hand, for some reason, here's how:

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Why is the Save New Login option tucked away in Settings? Doesn't seem to fit there very well.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    @RichardPayne, on one hand, the rest of the options in the Settings menu are also related to Logins, so in that sense I think it fits right in. ;)

    On the other hand, I see your point - an option to save a new Login isn't really a "setting". Thanks for the feedback about that!

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @RichardPayne, the command is there because the best way to create a new Login item is to let 1Password save it for you. Only rarely should one need to trigger a save by hand, so it's tucked away with other seldom-used and Login-related commands.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    Why is the Save New Login option tucked away in Settings? Doesn't seem to fit there very well.

    @RichardPayne @Drew_AG @DBrown We have mimic'ed this after the Mac version.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    We have mimic'ed this after the Mac version.

    Then maybe a cross-team project is needed. :p

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Also, the Mac version has keyboard shortcuts for both opening the settings menu (cmd + ,) and Save new login (cmd + n). So there you can more easily work around the fact that it's hidden in a menu.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Why is the Save New Login option tucked away in Settings? Doesn't seem to fit there very well.

    We have mimic'ed this after the Mac version.

    Well, it's not under a Settings command in the Mac extensions, because there is no such command there.

    As in the Mac extension, though, it's been made less prominent than a top-level command in the Windows extensions, presumably for the reason stated above.

    @Xe997‌, that difference between the Mac and Windows extensions might be attributable to the differences between 1Password mini (on the Mac) and the 1Password helper (on Windows).

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    Update: As I understand it, the Save New Login command was under a Settings command in a recent version of the Mac extensions, as well.

    Perhaps a cross-platform meeting is in order, after all. :/

  • Mike Sandercock
    Mike Sandercock
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    Thanks for the response! I didn't expect so many replies from AgileBits staff.

    Please right-click on a Login item. A new popup menu appears. From here, you can open this Login item in the 1Password app.

    Yea, that's what I said in my post. In my opinion its far less convenient than it was with the 1Password 3 extension where I could edit a login directly from the extension WITHOUT having to open the main application and re-enter my master password

    We recommend Auto-Save in the web browser.

    Yes, that works well for an existing account or saving a login that's being created via a account form but not for creating a new blank login which was something we were able to do without having to open the main application and re-enter our master password.

    You can change this behavior here: Settings > Open Login In > New Tab

    Perhaps I should have been more specific on this issue. On this page for example, when I click my login for my account nothing happens. It does not open a new tab, it does not open a new window, it does nothing. Sounds like this is a bug?

    Please please the Tab key while the mouse cursor is over a Login item (or press the right mouse button).

    My point was that on the old extension you did not have to take any additional action, you could just mouse over. Having to take an extra action to complete the same thing we were able to do before feels like a step backwards.

    As @svondutch writes, it's best to accept 1Password's offer to save Login items for you. If you need to do it by hand, for some reason, here's how:

    Perhaps this is also a bug, but when I click that I can only create a contextual login to this page (pre-populated with the URL of the page) with no additional information. I cannot add a user name, password, or really anything at all. I've attached an image of what I mean.

    If given a choice, I'd rather be able to complete an interaction with 1Password from within the extension while I'm using the extension. It is more time consuming and less convenient to have to be constantly going in and out of the stand alone application to complete basic tasks.

    For Example -
    1Password 3 Chrome Extension (edit a login)

    1) Click extension

    2) Enter master password

    3) Mouse over login. (every login was nicely displayed so I could easily select ANY of my logins quickly)

    4) Click arrow button

    5) Press edit

    6) Make changes

    7) Save and continue browsing

    1Password 4 Chrome Extension (same task, edit a login)

    1) Click extension

    2) Enter master password

    3) Right click login

    4) Left click "Open in 1Password"

    5) Re-enter master password

    6) Press edit button

    7) Select item you wish to edit from pop-up

    8) Press another edit button in a different location

    9) Make changes in another pop-up

    10 Press OK

    11) Press OK again because the first pop-up is still open and you can't close the application without closing it first

    12) Close 1Password application

    13) Return to browser and continue browsing

    It's hard to see how the new flow would be considered better or more convenient than the old one.

  • Mike Sandercock
    Mike Sandercock
    Community Member

    All that said, I do like 1Password and will continue to use it. Just trying to help make it better and voice my personal frustrations with the latest iteration

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @Mike Sandercock‌ We hear you, and editing in the web browser is on our list of things to do. Thanks!

  • snm77
    Community Member

    I agree with everything Mike says, plus I found another little bugaboo. When I hit the "login to leave a comment" button on this very thread, in Chrome on Windows, when I hit ctl /, no options for my 1password forum password showed up - the actual 1password plugin did launch, and I LOVE that it launched where my focus was, but I know I have a forum loing, so...

    I then hopped over to OSx, copied the exact same URL into Chrome there, hit cmd /, and the generated password was shown as an option. Plus, when I hovered over it, I had the option to "Convert to a Login," which I took.

    This is like a re-tread of the 4.0 version from OSx release. Lost function, more steps to do the same thing.

    To make it worse, I have the family pack, so I will have to explain to other people where all the function was hidden by this update. You took a year(ish) to release version 4.0 for Windows, it doesn't look like anything was learned from the changes made to the OSx version during that year.

    I love this program - the integration into dropbox is great (although the frikin iOS version keeps connection to iCloud instead of Dropbox on me, separate issue), and I fully recognize the large lift of making something as cross platform as 1Password is. I use 1password on Windows, OSx, Android, and iOS. I recommend this product to everyone who uses passwords - I'm in infosec, and many, many people ask me about this topic.
    That said, feature parity is key. The browser plugins for Windows, just like 1password 4 for OSx plugins did, feel incomplete and rushed. I'm very glad to hear you are working on it.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @snm77,

    Thanks for your feedback, and I'm sorry you're disappointed with the 1Password extension on Windows. We're definitely working on improvements for the Windows version. We appreciate your patience and support in the meantime! :D

  • kylex
    Community Member

    My beef is that I maintain 100's of support account on the same domain. When I wanted to use the password generator, I had to press the down arrow through 100's of logins to get to the bottom and generate a password -- why doesn't the mousewheel work?

    Also would be nice to have a password generator button on the 1P4 app.

  • kylex
    Community Member

    oh one more thing, seems like the windows version isn't as smart at matching as the mac version. For example, if I am at the login screen of a.example.com and I have 100's of example.com hosts, when I click on the 1PW, it lists them all i.e. a.example.com,b.example.com, c.example.com, etc. . I'd prefer is make a more exact match on the hostname and just show me a.example.com. Not sure why it doesn't do this.

  • avspinball
    Community Member

    I uninstalled the 4 ver of 1pw extension for chrome and reinstated the I'm using it with I have over 400 logins and need to scroll fast through them to go to the site I want. If I was forced to use the new version I would give up 1pw. I really love the program but the new extension sucks and slows me down enough to give it up.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the feedback, @kylex and @avspinball‌!

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    My beef is that I maintain 100's of support account on the same domain. When I wanted to use the password generator, I had to press the down arrow through 100's of logins to get to the bottom and generate a password.

    Starting with version we display only a few items and then this: "Show X more items..."

    why doesn't the mousewheel work?


    Also would be nice to have a password generator button on the 1P4 app.

    Please follow these steps:

    1. View > Generated Passwords
    2. New Item (Ctrl+N) > Password
  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    oh one more thing, seems like the windows version isn't as smart at matching as the mac version. For example, if I am at the login screen of a.example.com and I have 100's of example.com hosts, when I click on the 1PW, it lists them all i.e. a.example.com,b.example.com, c.example.com, etc. . I'd prefer is make a more exact match on the hostname and just show me a.example.com. Not sure why it doesn't do this.

    @kylex‌ This has been fixed in version

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    I have over 400 logins and need to scroll fast through them to go to the site I want

    @avspinball‌ When the popup menu appears, you can immediately start typing. The popup menu should then re-appear, showing only those Login items that match your search query.

  • avspinball
    Community Member

    I understand that and laziness plays a part. I've been using 1pw for over 3 years and use to doing things a certain way. With the new extension it slows things down. I use 3.9 on chrome about 85% of the time and firefox for the rest. The extension on ff is 4 so I do use it, reluctantly. It takes more steps and requires both hands, again laziness but that's me. I have gone to the chrome extension to copy then back to firefox to paste. If you can fix the fast scrolling that would be a vast improvement and I can deal with the rest.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    I've been using 1pw for over 3 years and use to doing things a certain way.

    @avspinball‌ No problem. But please realize we won't update the old extension. The future is with the version 4 extension.

This discussion has been closed.