Generic Login, minus extra fields?

I want to create an account that just has the fields I need, so Note/Tag/Password. But each time I create a Generic Account I get a lot that I don't want such as Icon/Scope and a few other things. Is there no way to get rid of these?

The router account is very close to what I want so I don't see what this can't be used as a template for Generic Accounts, minus the WiFi icon. I know this is a small thing but it's something that was in v1 but feels like a step back in v4.


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @AStaley Here are your options:

    1. Delete the other fields from the Generic Account (requires 1Password version 4), or
    2. Create a new password item (View > Generated Passwords)
  • AStaley
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    Within the Generic Login there is no option to delete the highlighted fields that I can see? I have 1P4 for Windows/Mac and latest IOS version.

    Creating a new generated password does give me just a basic login item such as I would like, with the exception that I can't edit the password field so would require me to reset passwords for certain account/applications which may not be possible.

    edit Okay, so on a generated password I can input my own choice of password. But if I do change the password later on I have to recreate the entry along with any notes etc which maybe stored with it.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    "Generic Login" is not a "Generic Account". Logins are the items that integrate with the browser extensions and so the fields you highlighted are always needed.

    You can add a Generic Account by using the "New Item > Account > Generic Account" menu.

  • AStaley
    Community Member

    Poor choice of words on my part. I'm referring to Generic Accounts as illustrated above, although the dialog boxes for login and account are the same which still leaves me with my original problem of un-needed fields in Generic Accounts that I don't want/need.

    I can use generated passwords to a degree as a workaround, but generated passwords lack a notes field which I use to store security questions and other details.

    Normally I would just allow 1P to create logins for me when I visit a site, but I have app specific usernames/passwords that I use on my iPad/iPhone which I like to keep in Generic Accounts. Under older versions Generic Accounts didn't have the additional fields. I also used these for storing details about user/service accounts I have setup for my various servers and specific roles that they may run.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    @AStaley You can delete fields from Generic Accounts (or any of the other items from the Accounts category). You cannot delete the built-in fields (such as URL, Scope, Auto-Type, etc) from Logins.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Poor choice of words on my part. I'm referring to Generic Accounts as illustrated above, although the dialog boxes for login and account are the same which still leaves me with my original problem of un-needed fields in Generic Accounts that I don't want/need.

    No, the screenshot you posted shows you creating a new Login. Notice the window title. A new "Generic Account" window would be titled "Generic Account":

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    You say you use 1P4 on Mac and iOS as well. Then you must keep in mind that the category Generic Account doesn't exist on those platforms (it's on its way out on Windows as well). Items created as Generic Accounts do show up on Mac and iOS, but as Logins. If you do not edit them, they will keep being Generic Accounts on Windows. If you do edit them on Mac or iOS, they will be "fully" converted to Logins and show up as Logins on all platforms.

  • AStaley
    Community Member

    In which case I may have a bug. With 1P unlocked I am clicking New Item>Account>Generic Account. The Generic Account dialog is opening and Generic Account shows in the title bar, leaving everything else as is (for the sake of testing) I then click OK. A new entry is then placed in the Logins group and not Accounts, editing the new entry the title bar then changes to Login and displays as my last post.

    I am getting the same behaviour on two different Windows PC's (Win8.1 Pro) both running 1P4 v4.0.1.503. On both machines I uninstalled 1P v1 moved the AgileKeyChain from my Dropbox to my Desktop and then installed 1P4. With 1P4 installed I then created a new vault.

    I've recently changed from using the AgileKeyChain to the new OPVault format following an upgrade from 1P v1 for Windows. The login entries will be a mix of those created on Mac and others from Windows.

    I've not updated any entries created in Windows on my Mac and vice versa.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    Ah, yes. That's a bug when using opvault. It is fixed in beta 504:

    Bug: when running .opvault the "New Item" button displays a few deprecated account items. Fixed.

    So basically because you're using opvault you cannot use Generic Accounts. The bug however would make it seem that you could.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    So basically because you're using opvault you cannot use Generic Accounts. The bug however would make it seem that you could.

    and so, to summarise, no you can't have an account without the extra fields that you don't need. Is it really such a problem to have them present?

  • AStaley
    Community Member

    No it's not a big problem, I can work with it but why should I have to when the functionality was there before. The way I see it at the moment is that Generic Account is a duplicate of Login and the fields at the bottom server no purpose, why not allow me some control and let me remove them if I want.

    I realise that I'm being very narrow minded with this, but I do find it frustrating.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    Sorry for the frustration, @AStaley‌. :( Please know that we hear you.

    Custom templates may be something we can consider for inclusion in a future release.

This discussion has been closed.