Iron Browser / Chromium


My name is Mike from Europa/Austria and I am new to the 1Password community.
I started using yesterday on my iPhone 6 Plus after reading an article on about your solution.
Today I immediately looked up your website, downloaded 1Password for Windows Trial and synced my logins over Wi-Fi to my computer.

Unfortunately the plugin won't work with my SRware Iron Browser. I am using the latest portable and the installed version (37.x) and also tried the predecessor (36.x) but I am totally stuck. It worked like a flaw on Chrome (had an test installation) and on IE 11 (after finding the extension button).
On SRware Iron I do have installed the plugin, but it keeps greyed out and the unlocking window wont show up. I tried several things and searched through this forum and read several things about future support and no plans and the latest chromium releases and so on.

My main question is: Is 1Password for Windows compatible with Chromium / SRware Iron and if yes, how can I successfully install your product on it?
I don't want to use IE because it lacks several features and I don't want to use the regular Chrome because of privacy issues, which this is the main reason why I want to use your software. ;-)

Thanks in advance!

Regards, Mike


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    Hello Srv02!

    "Officially"; Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer are supported. I think that the latest versions of Opera can also use the extensions even if it's not mentionned in the desktop app (i saw some references in the changelog).

    Since the latest 4.0.2 beta branch, devs added support for one variant of Firefox called Waterfox (64 Bit Windows build) and Comodo Dragon, a Chromium derivate. Dragon could be a good chromium alternative for you, it's up to you to test.

    I used Iron in the past but when a blog post has been published in 2009 with IRC logs showing that Iron developper wanted to fork Chromium instead of contributing, because he wanted to generate money from Google Adsense on his own web page (despite saying he hated Google), i thought that it was not the kind of project i wanted to support even if 5 years passed since this blog post and many things have changed.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for that follow-up, @J.M!

    Welcome, @Srv02‌, and thanks for your interest in 1Password! The supported browsers are listed in the Requirements article near the top of the TOC in the 1Password for Windows user's guide.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    1Password looks specifically for known browsers. This is to ensure that someone can't try to access your password by pretending to be a browser plugin.
    The unfortunate side effect of this safety feature is that forks off the main browsers are not recogbised without specific support, as is now the case with Waterfox.

    You can turned this safety net off.

    Obviously doing so is a security risk which you should consider carefully.

  • Srv02
    Community Member

    @J.M. Thank you for your great explanation. I did some research and found this blog site:

    This brings light to the dark, at least for me. I'd rather trust a product from a non profit team than a free one made by an enterprise, but it seems that for SRWare there is no difference. I wouldn't have had any problems that the developer earns money with ads, even with Google Adsense, but this shouldn't have been the initial intention for this kind of software.

    Firefox was never an option to me because I don't like the look and feel of this browser. This is definitely a personal and not a technical opinion. I will test the Comodo Dragon today and maybe I'll like it.

    @DBrown‌ Thank you for your welcome, I am glad to be here and I must admit that your company has built up a really awesome community! Quick and precious responses within a few hours! Maybe it will help some future customers when you point out in the FAQ or on the Plugin-Installation-Website that Chromium isn't fully supported now (beta now for special forks) because it lacks software signing and that Google pointed out NOT to sign it because it isn't an official product.

    @RichardPayne Thank you for this link, I didn't see it at the first glance on the KB. This will provide me a soft transfer to another browser.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    Thanks so much for the feedback, @Srv02‌!

    As you can imagine, it's much simpler to list the browsers that are supported than to try to maintain a list of browsers that are not. :smiley:

  • Srv02
    Community Member
    edited October 2015

    @DBrown I totally agree with you, but the majority of the Chrome plugins also work with Chromium, so the average Chromium user makes no difference between those two browsers in their installation routine. A small annotation "No Chromium forks supported - Link:"

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Surely "No Chromium forks supported" is implicit if Chromium itself is not supported?

  • Srv02
    Community Member

    :s Good point! "No Chromium support" would be correct.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    The browsers are listed in the documentation, and the UI states that which channels are supported.

    All other browsers and channels are officially unsupported.

This discussion has been closed.