Why is my 2013-purchased v1.0.9 license key invalid in 1P4? - because it is the wrong key :-}

Community Member
edited October 2014 in 1Password 4 for Windows


I installed 1P for Windows 4 after Dave Teare's recent email: "1Password Updates for Everyone".

Although it HAS picked up the license key from my 2013-purchased v1.0.9 1P, attempts to activate it result in a "Invalid license key" message. So, it is now only running in trial mode. All of the posts (email/blog/forum) I can find about the 1P4 upgrade state that it should be automatic and free.

I emailed support+windows@agilebits.com almost a week ago, but cannot get a response. This forum is the only other place I know of to ask about it. Is there some "secret sauce" I need to apply to get it to work?

Regards, John

EDIT: Please ignore this post. I made it work by looking up my license key in the Agile Customer Center.

I had been trying the license key I received when I bought 1P for Windows, and which has been running in my v1 1P since then. But, when I looked up my license key on the Customer Support site (great service that), lo and behold it was different! Once I entered the "new" license key, everything activated fine.

My apologies for taking up forum space with this non-issue. As usual, Agilebits comes through for customers. Thanks, folks.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tyrotex,

    I'm happy you were able to get things working with your license key! No worries about posting about that here, it might be helpful for someone else who is having the same problem. Thank you for the update to let us know! :)

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