MrC's Convert to 1Password Utility (mrc-converter-suite)



  • RohanMaxlLancaster
    Community Member

    Ok thanks again. I haven't taken any commands from anywhere else. I probably just stuffed it up somewhere along the way. This is all a very foreign language to me. Maybe I should just take it to the shop. I'll give it another try though. What does "CD" mean?

    Should I start from the very beginning?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @RohanMaxlLancaster ,

    See my previous reply, RE: the AppleScript Helper.

    Btw - the cd command changes the shell process' notion of the current directory (folder) it is operating in.

  • RohanMaxlLancaster
    Community Member

    That's what I've been doing?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited March 2016


    Oh, yes, I understand now. The helper creates that command, and now I get why you're confused.

    Do this. Toss away your downloaded zip file and the convert_to_1p4 stuff. All of it.

    Re-download it, or if you still have the zip file, just unzip it.

    Go into the unzipped folder until you see the AppleScript Conversion Helper. Double click that, and follow the directions.

    If this still is not working for you, send me an email if you want some quick remote help. My email as at the top of the script file. Just open it with a text editor.

  • RohanMaxlLancaster
    Community Member

    Hey MrC, I did follow the README. Obviously not well enough. I'm a total newbie with this stuff, so forgive my lack of skill.

    I actually have been dropping the pm_export.txt file onto the AppleScript Conversion Helper. I think I'll just start from the top again. If it still fails, I'll take it to a tech guy.

    Thanks for the help.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @RohanMaxlLancaster ,

    We'll get this resolved remotely in about 1 minute if you want. Sorry for the troubles, you're doing fine. We're crossing paths a bit here in our replies.

  • RohanMaxlLancaster
    Community Member

    Ok, I trashed the old files and unzipped the original I downloaded.

    I think maybe something is wrong with the exported file from the Keychain.
    The Terminal message that resulted was thus:

    [rohan-lancasters-Computer:~] rohanlan% cd '/Users/rohanlan/Desktop/onepassword-utilities/convert_to_1p4/' && /usr/bin/perl5.16 keychain '/Users/rohanlan/Desktop/pm_export.txt' -v
    Odd number of elements in hash assignment at Converters/ line 146 (#1)
    (W misc) You specified an odd number of elements to initialize a hash,
    which is odd, because hashes come in key/value pairs.

    Use of uninitialized value in list assignment at Converters/ line
    146 (#2)
    (W uninitialized) An undefined value was used as if it were already
    defined. It was interpreted as a "" or a 0, but maybe it was a mistake.
    To suppress this warning assign a defined value to your variables.

    To help you figure out what was undefined, perl will try to tell you
    the name of the variable (if any) that was undefined.  In some cases
    it cannot do this, so it also tells you what operation you used the
    undefined value in.  Note, however, that perl optimizes your program
    anid the operation displayed in the warning may not necessarily appear
    literally in your program.  For example, "that $foo" is usually
    optimized into "that " . $foo, and the warning will refer to the
    concatenation (.) operator, even though there is no . in
    your program.

    Examined 272 items
    Skipped 272 non-login items
    Skipped 0 duplicate items
    Imported 0 items
    Exported 0 total items
    [rohan-lancasters-Computer:~/Desktop/onepassword-utilities/convert_to_1p4] rohanlan%

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @RohanMaxlLancaster ,

    I think this is caused by the issue resolved in the 1.09 version. I presume you are using the 1.08 version?

  • RohanMaxlLancaster
    Community Member

    MrC, I have just sent you an email.


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    A little follow-up summary. @RohanMaxlLancaster and I worked offline and remotely, used the 1.09 version of the converter, and all converted correctly. Nice work Rohan!

    Enjoy 1Password.

  • RohanMaxlLancaster
    Community Member

    Indeed we did convert successfully. And I am just amazed that people like Mike are around and do this kind of stuff for people. Thanks a million, Mike. It is very much appreciated.

    Cheers Rohan

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Rohan ( @RohanMaxlLancaster ),

    I'm thrilled to hear that Mr.C was able to help you get your data into 1Password - thanks for letting us know!

    I hope that 1Password behaves perfectly for you from now on, but if you have any other questions or concerns, we're here for you! :)

  • JoelHoward
    Community Member

    Hello, I tried adding the extra ..\ and that didn't work so I copied the convert_to_1p4 directory to my desktop, then performed the cd command as shown in the README to change the working directory to my folder on the desktop, then performed the command as shown in the README and this is the error I encountered:

    C:\Users\jhoward\Desktop\convert_to_1p4>perl keepass2 -v ..\pm
    Uncaught exception from user code:
    Cannot open file '..\pm_export.txt' at C:/myperl/perl/site/lib/XML/XPath
    .pm line 117.
    XML::XPath::new("XML::XPath", "filename", "..\pm_export.txt") called at
    Converters/ line 58
    Converters::Keepass2::do_import("..\pm_export.txt", undef) called at co line 123


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2016

    Hi @JoelHoward,

    The scary looking error message is telling you that the path you've specified to the location of your exported file is not correct. What is the exact name (including extension) and location of your export file?

    If you would like some remote help, contact me at my email address, which is located at the top of the script file - you can open the file with a text editor.

  • JoelHoward
    Community Member

    Hi there, The exact path is:



  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I wonder if you have an extra suffix on the file that you are not aware of? Perhaps it is pm_export.txt.xml?

    From the command window, run the command

    dir ..\pm_export*

    and look at the reported path.

  • JoelHoward
    Community Member

    Here is the output from the dir command (Where the pm_export.txt doesn't seem to have an additional suffix):

    Directory of C:\Users\jhoward\Desktop\convert_to_1p4

    04/04/2016 01:09 PM

      . 04/04/2016 01:09 PM
        .. 04/04/2016 10:54 AM
 03/28/2016 10:03 AM 11,448 Changes.txt 04/04/2016 10:54 AM
            Converters 03/28/2016 10:03 AM 4,765 04/04/2016 10:54 AM
              JSON 04/04/2016 10:54 AM
                Languages 04/04/2016 01:09 PM 0 perl 03/28/2016 08:29 AM 946,692 pm_export.txt 03/28/2016 10:03 AM 58,131 03/28/2016 10:03 AM 160,233 README.pdf 04/04/2016 10:54 AM
                  Text 04/04/2016 10:54 AM
                    Utils 04/04/2016 10:54 AM
                      UUID 6 File(s) 1,181,269 bytes 9 Dir(s) 69,530,075,136 bytes free
    Community Member

    Hi MrC. Thanks for your converters. I am having one problem running this on a Windows 10 machine trying to convert a SplashID file. The command cpan Date::Calc fails. I have also tried to use cpan -fT Date::Calc, but it also fails.

    Here is the test summary report when I run the command:

    Test Summary Report

    t/51_file_nstore.t (Wstat: 3328 Tests: 19 Failed: 0)
    Non-zero exit status: 13
    Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 7083 tests but ran 19.
    Files=23, Tests=84515, 10 wallclock secs ( 5.36 usr + 0.31 sys = 5.67 CPU)
    Result: FAIL
    Failed 1/23 test programs. 0/84515 subtests failed.
    dmake.exe: Error code 141, while making 'test_dynamic'
    C:\myperl\c\bin\dmake.exe test -- NOT OK
    //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
    reports STBEY/Bit-Vector-7.4.tar.gz
    Stopping: 'install' failed for 'Bit::Vector'.

    If I continue and try to convert my file, here is what I get. Any help you can lend will be appreciated.

    C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\convert_to_1p4>perl -v ..\pm_export_HH.vid
    Can't locate Date/ in @INC (you may need to install the Date::Calc module) (@INC contains: c:/myperl/perl/site/lib c:/myperl/perl/vendor/lib c:/myperl/perl/lib .) at Utils/ line 18.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Utils/ line 18.
    Compilation failed in require at line 15.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 15 (#1)
    (F) You said to do (or require, or use) a file that couldn't be found.
    Perl looks for the file in all the locations mentioned in @INC, unless
    the file name included the full path to the file. Perhaps you need
    to set the PERL5LIB or PERL5OPT environment variable to say where the
    extra library is, or maybe the script needs to add the library name
    to @INC. Or maybe you just misspelled the name of the file. See
    "require" in perlfunc and lib.

    Uncaught exception from user code:
    Can't locate Date/ in @INC (you may need to install the Date::Calc module) (@INC contains: c:/myperl/perl/site/lib c:/myperl/perl/vendor/lib c:/myperl/perl/lib .) at Utils/ line 18.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Utils/ line 18.
    Compilation failed in require at line 15.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 15.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @JoelHoward ,

    That command wasn't right. You're supposed to be looking at the directory one level up, hence the ..\ segment given to the dir command:

    dir ..\

    You really want to see what is one level above the convert_to_1p4 folder. Do you want remote help?

  • JoelHoward
    Community Member

    Typing the command, I got the following:

    C:\Users\jhoward\Desktop\convert_to_1p4>dir ..\pm_export*
    Volume in drive C has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is 9C2B-FB5F

            Directory of C:\Users\jhoward\Desktop

    File Not Found

    I would appreciate remote help!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @CTYJIM ,

    Go ahead and try to FORCE the installation of the Date::Calc module:

    cpan -fT Date::Calc
  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @JoelHoward - send me an email and we'll take this offline. I'll send instructions.

  • JoelHoward
    Community Member

    Can I get your email address? Thanks again for your patience!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2016

    @JoelHoward ,

    I mentioned where to find it above:

    If you would like some remote help, contact me at my email address, which is located at the top of the script file - you can open the file with a text editor.

    I don't post it generally on public forums.

  • JoelHoward
    Community Member

    Understood and thanks!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Quick follow-up summary - through a little remote help, we have @JoelHoward 's KeePass2 database converted. The pm_export.txt file was actually in the convert_to_1p4 folder, so with a little command line adjustment, all was converted just fine.

    Community Member


    I tried to force the installation of the Date::Calc module and got the results below:

    C:>cpan -fT Date::Calc
    Loading internal null logger. Install Log::Log4perl for logging messages
    CPAN: CPAN::SQLite loaded ok (v0.211)
    Database was generated on Mon, 04 Apr 2016 18:45:33 GMT

    Running install for module 'Date::Calc'
    CPAN: Digest::SHA loaded ok (v5.95)
    CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok (v2.069)
    Checksum for C:\myperl\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\ST\STBEY\Date-Calc-6.4.tar.gz ok
    CPAN: Archive::Tar loaded ok (v2.04)
    CPAN: File::Temp loaded ok (v0.2304)
    CPAN: YAML::XS loaded ok (v0.62)
    CPAN: CPAN::Meta::Requirements loaded ok (v2.140)
    CPAN: Parse::CPAN::Meta loaded ok (v1.4417)
    CPAN: CPAN::Meta loaded ok (v2.150005)
    CPAN: Module::CoreList loaded ok (v5.20160121)
    Configuring S/ST/STBEY/Date-Calc-6.4.tar.gz with Makefile.PL

    ****** BEWARE: Use "make install UNINST=1" to install! ******

    Checking if your kit is complete...
    Looks good
    Warning: prerequisite Bit::Vector 7.4 not found.
    Generating a dmake-style Makefile
    Writing Makefile for Date::Calc
    Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
    c:\myperl\perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL -- OK
    Running make for S/ST/STBEY/Date-Calc-6.4.tar.gz
    ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
    ---- STBEY/Date-Calc-6.4.tar.gz ----
    Bit::Vector [requires]
    Date::Calc::XS [requires,optional]
    Running install for module 'Bit::Vector'
    Checksum for C:\myperl\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\ST\STBEY\Bit-Vector-7.4.tar.gz ok
    Couldn't move C:\myperl\cpan\build\tmp-82524\Bit-Vector-7.4\lib to C:\myperl\cpan\build\Bit-Vector-7.4-zTUseW\lib: No such file or directory at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 571.
    CPAN::Distribution::run_preps_on_packagedir(CPAN::Distribution=HASH(0x5c0fed8)) called at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 388
    CPAN::Distribution::get(CPAN::Distribution=HASH(0x5c0fed8)) called at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 1847
    CPAN::Distribution::prepare(CPAN::Distribution=HASH(0x5c0fed8)) called at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 2127
    CPAN::Distribution::make(CPAN::Distribution=HASH(0x5c0fed8)) called at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 3485
    CPAN::Distribution::test(CPAN::Distribution=HASH(0x5c0fed8)) called at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 3891
    CPAN::Distribution::install(CPAN::Distribution=HASH(0x5c0fed8)) called at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 479
    eval {...} called at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 478
    CPAN::Module::rematein(CPAN::Module=HASH(0x5c0ff08), "install") called at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 587
    CPAN::Module::install(CPAN::Module=HASH(0x5c0ff08)) called at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 1896
    CPAN::Shell::rematein("CPAN::Shell", "force", "install", "Date::Calc") called at C:\myperl\perl\lib/CPAN/ line 2063
    CPAN::Shell::ANON("CPAN::Shell", "install", "Date::Calc") called at c:/myperl/perl/lib/App/ line 590
    App::Cpan::ANON("Date::Calc") called at c:/myperl/perl/lib/App/ line 601
    App::Cpan::_default(ARRAY(0x2470db0), HASH(0x4024b40)) called at c:/myperl/perl/lib/App/ line 516
    App::Cpan::run("App::Cpan", "CPAN", "Date::Calc") called at c:\myperl\perl\bin/cpan.bat line 39


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @CTYJIM ,

    A few others have in the past had trouble getting the Date::Calc module to build on Windows 10, and I'm not sure why. I'm able to build it in both 32 and 64-bit environments. The problem is with Bit::Vector.

    Which Perl version exactly did you downoad?
    What is your Windows architecture?

    Community Member


    It is:

    I am using Windows 10 Home Edition OS Build 10586.122
    on an
    ASUS All-in-one PC
    Intel Core i5-4200U CPU @ 1.6 GHz 2.6 GHz
    8 GB RAM
    64 bit OS, x64-based processor


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Can you try the 32-bit version of the portable Strawberry Perl? Delete the entire C:\myperl folder (or wherever you installed it), and follow the installation process again. Let's see if this helps.

This discussion has been closed.