MrC's Convert to 1Password Utility (mrc-converter-suite)



  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @kissakiwi and I resolved the issue via email. With the proper export format, the conversion worked fine.

    Enjoy 1Password!

  • kissakiwi
    Community Member

    Fantastic MrC. Great help. Thanks a lot.

  • alst1
    Community Member

    I'm very interested in 1password and want to change from keepass2.

    I have the 1.09 version on my new Mac OS Sierra directly on the desktop in convert_to_1p4 folder.
    The kdbx file is also located in this folder.

    I use the apple script helper and choose my keepass file.

    This error message appears:

    Unable to open file: ARRAY(0x7fd54381e578)
    No such file or directory

    Can you please help me?


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hello @alst1 ,

    The converter works on the Keepass2 XML export file, not on the raw encrypted kdbx database file itself. See the Keepass2 section in the export area of the README.pdf.

  • alst1
    Community Member

    Hello MrC,

    thank you for your quick response.
    I have keepass2 installed on windows, exported the database to pm_export.txt, the error message is also

    Unable to open file: ARRAY(0x7fda15802378)
    No such file or directory

    Also tested an export to xml file - same error...


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2017

    @alst1 ,

    Would you like some remote help? If so, send me an email (its at the top of the script which you can open with a text editor). It will just take a few minutes in total.

    Your Keepass2 export must be the KeePass XML (2.x) format, not any of its other export formats. Export from Windows KeePass 2 is easiest.

  • alst1
    Community Member

    thank you very much - i will try again and come back

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @alst1

    I'm glad to see that @MrC has been able to help you out! Please let us know how everything turns out for you :chuffed:

  • Daviduk
    Community Member


    I've been using Roboform since it was first released (approx 1999), so I've been reluctant to fully switch to another password manager due to the number of logins I have.

    I am now going to take the plunge and move to 1Password. Should I export the data using my Macbook, or via Windows ?

    Do I need to use a particular version of Roboform ( I have the most recent version of "Roboform everywhere", but I also have a licence for older standalone versions.)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @Daviduk

    Export using the same platform you will convert on. The resulting 1pif file created can be imported on either Windows or OS X. Conversion is simpler on OS X. Any of the Roboform versions should be OK to use to export. Windows versions prior to and including 6.99 exported more complete URLs. That may not matter, however.

  • Daviduk
    Community Member

    @mrc thank you for the info, I'll be doing it some time during next week, so fingers crossed :-)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @Daviduk ,

    Great! I'm happy to help if you need it, just ask.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2017

    FYI - upcoming feature for 1.10:

    Version 1.10 will include a 1PIF to CSV converter, to convert all the useful information in the 1PIF into CSV.

    I heavily modified the onepif2html converter, renamed it to onepif, and it now uses any one of the specified formatters to convert and format the 1PIF data. One such formatter is csv (others are html_compact, html_expanded, html_simplelogins). More formatters can be aded, and a formatter can be an XLST (XML stylesheet transformations) or Perl module code.

    The relevant text from the Changes.txt file:

    Version 1.10:

    • onepif2html: renamed to onepif


    • onepif2html: Prevent section names for empty sections from being output.


    • onepif: Replaces the former onepif2html converter. It now accepts the name of a "formatter"
      using the --format option. A few formatters are available in the Formatters directory. The default is html_compact. A formatter is specified using the --format option and the name of a formatter (its non-suffixed name, e.g. --format html_expanded). New formatters can be added as required by writing the code, naming them appropriatly, and placing them into the Formatters directory. Currently XLST (.xls) and Perl module (.pm) code is supported. The name of the formatter specifies its output format, its descriptive meaning, and the code employed in the file. The general naming scheme is <output format>_<descriptive name>.<code suffix>. For example, html_expanded.xls will output "html", create an .html file, and will be processed using XML stylesheet transformations (due to the .xsl suffix). Its descriptive part is simply "expanded" (one can argue that's not very descriptive). If there is no _<descriptive name> part in the filename, it is expected that the <output format> is sufficient to serve as the description as well (example: will convert to CSV).

    • onepif: The XSTL stylesheets have been changed a bit, especially the html_expanded stylesheet (formerly the onepif2html2 converter). It is now more readable with larger fonts, and places the created and modified dates to the top right area of the item.

    • onpif: The --outfile option is now usable so the output file and suffix can be specfied via command line. File suffixes will be taken from the specified formatter's name.
    • onpif: Now outputs a file name of 1P_converted. where reflects the chosen formatter.
      Examples: 1P_converted.html, 1P_converted.csv.
  • southlooper
    Community Member

    Hi @MrC,

    I'm a long-time (probably too long, in retrospect) user of Yojimbo from Bare Bones Software, and I'm trying to move into 1Password. Unfortunately, Yojimbo only exports in text files. They're structured, and uniform, but... not the csv that 1Password wants.

    There's no converter for Yojimbo in the Utility, but I think it'd be pretty straightforward to add, and I'd be happy to help backchannel to provide Yojimbo outputs to analyze and help test. And I know there are still other lingering Yojimbo users out there who are trying to do this.


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2017

    Hi @southlooper ,

    Thanks for asking. Can you send me an export from Yojimbo with several sample records? Vary the data you have in the records a bit, including some records with some empty field values. Add a couple of Unicode characters too both in any Notes section, as well as in some field value.

    Examples: π ø å ê ¥

    Mail to mike ( at ) cappella ( dot ) us .

  • southlooper
    Community Member

    Hey @MrC,

    Will do. I'll even mess it up with some commas, slashes, and back-slashes to make parsing fun.

    Will email shortly!

  • drobins9
    Community Member

    Help! I am trying to follow your directions to convert eWallet to 1Password. I am at the step that says to execute the batch file "install_modules.bat". There is no such batch file anywhere in the archive, or the PERL directory. I also looked back at your 1.00 version of the converter, just in case the batch file dropped out at some version, but there is not one there, either.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2017

    Hi @drobins9 ,

    I'm sorry about that. I'd forgotten to update a tool that builds the zip archive to include the new install_modules.bat file. I've placed it as version 1.10 in Testing Bits, mentioned in the first post of the converter suite thread. Please try that version.

    As for the Perl directory - which exact version and packaging of Strawberry Perl did you download?

  • drobins9
    Community Member

    That worked perfect- thank you very much. I downloaded the latest 64-bit version portable, per your directions.

  • Daviduk
    Community Member

    Right, I'm ready to give this conversion a go.

    I can't find an old copy of Roboform 6.9 (windows), so what version of Roboform should I use on my Mac for export (without losing data) ?


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Note: The 1.09 Stable Bits package was missing the install_modules.bat file. I've updated the archive to include it, and re-posted the checksums.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2017

    @Daviduk ,

    You don't really need to use the old version of Roboform. Version 6.99 Was Windows-only anyway, and it just had more complete URLs. With newer versions, you may have to adjust the URL a bit in 1Password to use Open and Fill correctly (such as updating the URL to point to the specific login page). The Mac versions all do this URL shortening, so you have no choice. Use the version you already have.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Daviduk: Just to confirm, it sounds like you'll be getting something like for a login instead of So, like MrC, a bit of a pain if you're trying to go directly to the login page. But that's something you can adjust later if needed -- and frankly websites change their login URLs sometimes anyway, so it never hurts to update. Cheers! :)

  • cs88rf
    Community Member
    edited January 2017


    Running into infamous [Can't open perl script "": No such file or directory] issue. My OS is Win10 64-bit ver1607.

    I've followed your readme PDF to the letters. I tried both convert_to_1p4_1.09 and convert_to_1p4_1.10, both on and off VM, and both linked version of perl ( 64-bit portable) and the latest version listed on the website ( 64-bit portable).

    Checked many times that the convert_to_1p4 folder is located on desktop, with all elements remained in that folder, including, 8 folders, etc. Also, modules seemed to have been installed successfully in the screenshot. I've also tried to enter full convert command line instead of --help, but it returns the same error.

    On a separate issue, Roboform exports all the passwords to a single HTM file, but identities to an HTML file. Should I change HTM extension to HTML or leave it as is?

    Thanks for your help!!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2017


    I can see from your screenshot that the directory your shell is in, the working directory, is not correct (it says C:\myperl). Do the following:

    cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\convert_to_1p4

    and run the converter again.

    This should have been done for you by the install_modules.bat script.

  • cs88rf
    Community Member

    Ah! Thank you! I was wondering how it could call up being in two different locations.

    So should I leave .htm as is or change it to .html manually?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @cs88rf ,

    Sorry, I forgot to reply to that question. The extension or file name is immaterial. Just use the exact name of the file+suffix on the command line.

  • cs88rf
    Community Member

    Great, now it calls up perl perfectly XD

    And what is the difference between roboform and roboform_de converter? I'm just curious.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @cs88rf ,

    The roboform_de converter was a one-off I did for a german customer. This was the only localized version that had been needed. Once I get more localized strings, I'll generalize language support in Roboform.

  • cs88rf
    Community Member

    I see. Since I wanted full URL exported, I downgraded to RF 6.9 in VM. Passcards that have non-English names were not supported and cannot be loaded into exported htm file, so I renamed those. However, I found many passcards with English names but with non-English fields. For example, field "question id" has a value of east Asian characters. This is supported and can be shown in the exported htm. Will these values be supported and retained in the .1pif file?

This discussion has been closed.