MrC's Convert to 1Password Utility (mrc-converter-suite)
Hi @Sunami
Are you using the 1.09 version from Testing Bits, mentioned in the converter suite thread's first post? Sierra has some changes that cause this issue, and the 1.09 version tries to resolve it.
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Ok, maybe not, yes I JUST converted to Sierra...
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If you downloaded the converter suite from GitHub, or if you downloaded the Stable Bits from the converter suite thread, then you are using 1.08. Use Testing Bits' 1.09.
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I am new here and I am trying to set up my 1st 1Password vault. The first stored password is now the forum password;-) Meanwhile, I would like to export my keychain passwords. However, I always get an error for the iCloud-copy. It keeps asking me for different passwords (login and iCloud). The error message is "The contents of this item cannot be retrieved."
Somehow, I came to a more or less ok solution. I had to confirm the error messages and start the AppleScript over and over again. That way, 271 of the 284 passwords were imported. However, the password that I had to enter in the script was not the one for the new keychain, but my login password. Really strange. Let's consider that solved.
Now, I tried to export the local_icloud.keychain. The txt-file is empty. I checked the storage location of the local_icloud.keychain. It is the same as for the others. Something is wrong. Can you support?
I am using:
macOS Sierra 10.12.2 (16C67)
converter version 1.09 --> Haven't even done anything with that yet0 -
Hi @mcsilver,
Here's my reply to another user who had trouble with the Local keychain items. These are supposed to be synced back to iCloud, but for some reason, they do not get synced.
Maybe you can copy/paste these into another Keychain that you create? Or be sure to sync the keychains w/iCloud. I'm really not sure, as I don't have any to try.
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@MrC Thanks for the answer. I guess, you misunderstood my problem. I might have not been precise. My problem is not about Local Items. I have created a keychain called local_icloud and copied the passwords from iCloud as described in the README. I can also see all the passwords in the newly created keychain local_icloud. However, the export/dump only produces an empty file called pm_export-icloud.txt. The dump of the login.keychain in contrast has produced a txt-file with some content.
Thanks in advance
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I created a keychain named local-icloud, copied some items into it, and ran the security command you have above, and all the items are exported (of course, I have to provide the correct password each time for that keychain local-icloud). Are you providing the correct keychain password each time the dialog appears?
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I've experimented a bit with the Local Items keychain that can exist on some user's systems. Here's what I've learned.
- It will be created when a user disables Keychain sync in System Preferences > iCloud. The items that were in the iCloud keychain are migrated to a Local Items keychain.
- Each item in Local Items may have a different password - it was the password set by the device at the time of creation.
- Items from the Local Items keychain can be copied to a new Keychain, however the password for the items copied must match the newly created Keychain, as only a single dialog is presented to supply a password. This means, you may need to create several keychains, one with each password in use for the Local Items entries. Sigh.
- I was not able to copy some items from Local Items to my a new keychain under any circumstances. Perhaps they are password encrypted by the system using some system-generated password that I don't have.
- You cannot Delete a Local Items keychain, but you can delete the items within.
The entire Keychain process is a huge black box mess.
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Regarding your issue with the Local Items keychain, if you still are interested in what I've learned, please see the above post. Local Items is a bit of a special case, and treated differently than other Keychains.
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@MrC As mentioned, the local_icloud keychain has apparently been created properly. I can see (almost, 271 of the copied 284) all passwords from iCloud. However, after the dump command, I don't get asked any questions or dialogs. Just an empty file is created. Maybe, I really need to enter all passwords manually. Sigh.
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I wish I had better or more helpful info for you. The security command and Keychain is severely limited in terms of what you can do via command line (or even via Keychain Access). If the command line command is correct, and no password dialog is presented, no items get exported; likewise if the password is incorrect.
I've spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out the inner workings, limitations, and failure cases of the Keychain system - its a royal pain, and in my opinion, very fragile and error prone (esp. with iCloud and sync is involved).
The good news is that the export usually works well enough, and that most of the stuff in a Keychain isn't that useful, so the number of passwords, account data, or systems info is limited.
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Hi Mr C - Thanks for your efforts! I have onepassword 6.5.3. OS X 10.12.2. I tried to use the csv converter with a .csv and got a error who's message is basically, "Can't open perl script "": No such file or directory". Any thoughts? Thanks!
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Hi @bostonboy,
You're welcome.
Use the 1.09 version on the converter in Testing Bits, mentioned in the converter suite first thread. I presume you are using the AppleScript helper, and you need 1.09 since it resolves a new issue on Sierra. Be sure to place the convert_to_1p4 folder on your Desktop.
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Is it possible to convert a csv file into 1pw's "membership" items? "membership" is listed in the readme as a supported input type but when I ran the converter with the option -i membership, it says the only supported input types are login, creditcard and note.
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Hi @jrlowell ,
I could add that capability, but would need to know the fields you have so that I can create a mapping table entry for them. Can you list for me your field names (exactly, case included), and the 1Password fields you think they should be mapped to?
Currently I've only done those that you see (nice work on noticing the import / export types!).
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Thanks MrC.
My CSV contains the basic data for our "affinity cards" (e.g. airline frequent flyer programs, retail stores etc.) so at a minimum I'd like:
Title, Group/Organization, website/URL, member name, member id, userid, password, expiry_date, member email, contact #, notes.
nb. userid & password might duplicate entries in a login type for the same entity. I'd like member email because I often register different emails for these memberships.An additional consideration ... rather than having TWO membership items for me and my wife (we both have JetBlue #s for example), a nice-to have would be to support multiples of the above fields. [ These items would go into a shared vault.] My CSV has a column for each field for me and a corresponding one for my wife (except I have ONE EACH: Title, Group, website, Contact # and Notes). If I entered this data manually I might just add an additional identically named field as necessary (e.g. memberid rather than memberid2). Your thoughts welcome.
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Ok, I see what you're after. I can do the first part - all the fields and the record splitting.
I won't be able to do that latter (record combining with multiple fields) since I'll have no way of knowing from the CSV that any two rows should be combined (its also an esoteric feature that doesn't fit well with other categories). I'd advise, with 1Password, that you just have two separate entries. This fits how 1Password works best - just name then something like AA - Hubby and AA - Wifey.
I might be able to have something for you tomorrow.
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Actually I did not mean to imply combining rows: In my case I have one CSV row per org (e.g. AA) but two columns whose header is memberid for example. I was thinking the resultant membership card would contain an entry for each non-empty column using the column header as the field name.
I understand your suggestion about a separate membership for each of us. I was simply trying to economize.
Furthermore, looks like the 1pw "standard" membership fields would get me 90% of the way there. the only additional fields i'd need would be userid & email and possibly "whereabouts" (see below)
P.S. I also have a column for "whereabouts": to keep track of whether the membership card/token is in my wallet, keychain or desk but this could be handled by a note I guess.
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Ah, I see, got it. I'll use one of the memberid columns as the entry's memberid - any others you have will be placed a custom field (and can't have the same header name). I want to make sure the columns are basically standardized so that others can use the converter too.
Your whereabouts column will go into a custom field (as will all other unrecognized columns). If you name that column Tags, it will go into the entry's Tags field.
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So, I did all of that again, and still getting this error: Bryans-MacBook-Pro:~ bryanmonson$ cd '/private/var/folders/2f/69gblqh17bbdr8p74j62w2tc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/C4EBC7DB-D10F-4164-AF4A-85B4A492A049/d/' && /usr/bin/perl5.16 msecure '/Users/bryanmonson/Desktop/mSecureAll.csv' -v
Can't open perl script "": No such file or directory
Bryans-MacBook-Pro:d bryanmonson$Any thoughts or advice? I'm open to remote help at this point. Thanks much, Bryan
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Sounds good. Just for clarification here's my csv header row:
Title,Group,Member Name 1,Member ID 1,Expiry Date 1,Whereabouts 1,UserID 1,Password 1,Member Name 2,Member ID 2,Expiry Date 2,Whereabouts 2,UserID 2,Password 2,Website,Contact #,Notes0 -
Sure, let's do remote help as that will be fastest for us both. Email me - top of the script is my email address. You can open the file with a text editor.
I'll send instructions once I receive your email.
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Yup ... that's what I was thinking after our exchange re: separate membership items for each of us. will comm via email on this subject henceforth.
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unfortunately the script doesn't work for me. I receive the following message when trying to convert from wallet
Gilless-Air-2:~ gillesfeider$ cd '/Users/gillesfeider/Desktop/' && /usr/bin/perl5.16 ewallet '/Users/gillesfeider/Desktop/pm_export.txt' -v
Can't open perl script "": No such file or directory
Gilless-Air-2:Desktop gillesfeider$
What is going wrong? Also tried with the manual instructions, no success. Am running MacOs Sierra 10.12.1.Can anyone help?
Thx a lot in advance,
Gilles0 -
This is a problem introduced with Sierra when using the AppleScript helper.
To resolve it, use the 1.09 version of the converter suite - it is located in Testing Bits mentioned in the first post.
Be sure to place the convert_to_1p4 folder onto your Desktop - leave its contents intact. Follow the README.pdf instructions.
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I get the same error. The system opens Terminal and it tells me it can't open the same perl script.
"Can't open perl script "": No such file or directory"
I've unzipped the coverter and moved it to my desktop. When I drag the export file onto, it asks me what I am converting from. I select it and I get a pop-up asking if it's ok to convert. I answer Yes and then Terminal opens with this message. Thanks in advance for any help.
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@Zete - which version of the converter are you using (where did you get it from)?
Some users mistakenly move the file - the script - onto the Desktop. This is not correct, and it needs to be left in the folder named convert_to_1p4 (and that folder with all of its contents needs to be placed onto the Desktop).