Importing Data From CSV


I really like the look of 1password, however, I have spent 3 days attempting to get my data imported and have failed. I have a csv file with all the data in. I can't seem to find any way of importing anything other than Logins. How do I import Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, etc. I have around 500 items and wouldn't like to have to type them in. I have attempted to import my CSV into many other applications like KeePass, SplashID, DataVault, mSecure, Dashlane, etc just to be able to export them again so that 1password can import them. After 3 days, I can't find a combination that works. I've even tried MrC's convert to 1p4 and most of the file formats from the list, but can't seem to get anything except logins and secure notes into 1p4. Can anybody point me in the right direction?




  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @Blackstone,

    1Password for Windows only imports Logins from CSV. If you can get your data all imported to the correct types in one of the other programs you mention, then you can export from one of those and the converter should work.

    However, KeePassX and KeePass2 are essentially Login-only programs, so that route is not worthwhile.

    I don't have a DataVault converter, nor a DashLane converter (it has a horribly broken export).

    SplashID has some exporting problems, but for the most part is acceptable. Likewise mSecure. So those two options would be your best route - if you can get your data correctly imported into the correct types for them.

    The best solution would be to use 1Password for Mac, which supports more CSV import types, and then you can import Logins, Credit Cards, Software Licenses, and Secure Notes. You would have to separate you entries and group your types in their own CSV file (e.g. all Logins in one CSV, all Credit Cards in another, etc.). This might help:

    Does this help?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    You can always read about 1Password's built-in importer in the Importing data article in the 1Password 4 for Windows user's guide.

  • Blackstone
    Community Member

    Thanks @MrC‌,

    I spent several hours formatting csv's and eventually managed to get my data imported into SplashId, went to hit the export and was faced with 'This feature is not available in trial mode, please purchase @ $20/year'. Just imaging the let down, should have done a test first! Still an option though considering the time this is taking. It's worth the $20 if it's a reliable option where I'm not going to hit too many other issues or brick walls. But is it?

    I could find somebody with a Mac, but again, bank accounts are paramount as there are around 85 in total.

    I can't for the life of me figure out why you don't allow csv import of all the different types of items with their respective fields. Seems a no brainer to me.

    Is there any documentation on the minimum spec required to create my own 1pif file?

    Hi @DBrown‌,

    I'm afraid the importing of only logins on the Windows version and no bank accounts on the Mac version means that this is far too limiting.

    I would appreciate any further help you have.

    Many thanks,


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited November 2014

    I hear you regarding the lack of an export capability in SplashID's trial version. After creating test records for the conversion utility, I discovered the same issue.

    Please see this thread regarding export issues with SplashID. If your usage of Unicode is limited, there should be no real issue.

    I don't work for AgileBits, so can't speak for them regarding their CSV import plans (AgileBits is essentially an OS X shop, and the Windows product is newer, less feature rich to date). I can speak, however, to the "no brainer" comment, and CSV and all file types. It is not possible to represent all the different types, custom fields, and labels in a single, standard CSV format. And at some point, you reach limited utility for minimally populated types like Social Security Number, so I'd suspect AgileBits has prioritized limited resources. None of this helps you now, so let's move forward.

    As to the 1PIF format, I reverse engineered my way through it to create the converters. You probably don't want to try to replicate that, as you'll spend far more time than a $20 investment. You can review the Utils/ code in my convert_to_1p4 utility if you have a burning desire to work through it.

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