Upgrading to 1 Password 4 for Windows


I have just finished upgrading/installing 1Password 4 for Windows on my PC.
I was surprised to see that 1Password 1 was not removed from my PC during the version 4 install.
Should I remove (i.e.: uninstall) 1Password 1 from my PC, or leave it there? Would it/could it cause conflicts (having 2 versions on the same PC)?

Thank you


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Dev tells me that you don't have to remove version 1, but I always recommend it. I just prefer to start with a clean slate (and it avoids problems if you were to uninstall version 4 and go back to version 1, for some reason).

    Please see the Upgrading from version 1 article in the 1Password 4 for Windows knowledgebase for details.

  • quexpress
    Community Member

    Thanks a lot! Much appreciated! B)

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    We're always glad to help, @quexpress!

  • quexpress
    Community Member

    I'm now wondering if it's worth the effort, etc. to upgrade my Firefox Add-On from version 3.9.2 to the latest (Version 4 I guess).
    Note: Version 3.9.2 functions very well.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    1Password 4 for Windows includes support for both the older 3.x and latest 4.x extensions.

    I believe an important reason to upgrade the extension, too, is that the 3.x extensions are no longer being maintained and updated, but the choice is yours.

  • quexpress
    Community Member

    I don't believe that I have any choice.

    Please see my other post at https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/156609#Comment_156609

    Thank you

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the link. I'm glad to hear the 3.x extension is working for you now!

    You should definitely be able to continue using it, rather than upgrading to the 4.x, if that's your preference, albeit with the knowledge that the 3.x extensions are no being updated, as noted above.

  • quexpress
    Community Member

    I would like to upgrade to version 4 but need to make sure that I get the steps in the right sequence.

    Would you recommend removing the 3 extension before installing the 4.x?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    There are instructions in this article: https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-windows-kb/4/en/topic/upgrading-from-version-1

    You should remove (or at least disable) the 3.x extension before running the 4.x extension. Personally, I'd remove it, as I'd uninstall version 1 of the main program, before upgrading either. I like things tidy, and I know I can always get the older version of the main program and the extensions, if I need them later, for some reason.

  • quexpress
    Community Member

    Done on my main PC!

    I removed 3.x extension and then installed 4.x extension. Everything seems to be in sync and function as expected.

    I now need to do this to my laptop in the suggested sequence.

    Thanks again! Your help is very appreciated!


  • quexpress
    Community Member

    Upgrade to 1Password 4 and extension 4.x went well on my laptop.

    Thanks for the help. It made this so much easier for me.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    That’s great news, Normand (@quexpress)—thanks for letting us know!

This discussion has been closed.