Filling in not working, need to use copy and paste

This discussion was created from comments split from: Not filling Passwords and user names.


  • bippie999
    Community Member

    The same thing is happening to me in Windows with Window 7, and the new version 4 of 1Password. Sometimes it fills in user name, but usually, it only fills in the Password! I have to copy and paste.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bippie999‌

    I've shifted your comment on the off-chance that it's on Windows ends up having some relevancy.

    Now depending on if it's just one or two entries it might be worth seeing if this guide for Saving a Login manually helps out at all. If that doesn't improve your situation please post back here and we'll puzzle over it a bit more.

This discussion has been closed.