Can I "roll back" to the 3.x extensions or 1Password 1?

Community Member
edited December 2014 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I want the copy or reveal or edit function back in the browser plugin so that I can manually copy the data and enter it on sites that have two part verification or if I am changing a password. I don't like the drop-down menus, I liked the other design and I miss being able to edit in the plugin.

I also dislike the new icon. I realize you are probably trying to make it compatible with the Mac integration since that seems to be the tone of some of the forum posts, but it was sooo much better looking and more user friendly in the last version. I am really sad I reinstalled the plug-in in an attempt to get the error symbol to go away. bad move.


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    I want the copy or reveal or edit function back in the browser plugin

    1. copy: hold down the Ctrl button while you click on an item
    2. reveal: right-click while the mouse cursor is over an item
    3. edit: first do #2, then click on: "Open in 1Password"

    can I rollback?

    Yes you can:

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for letting us know your preference for the discontinued extension, @tanya.

    We will continue to improve the extensions, and feedback like yours helps us immeasurably.

  • tanya
    Community Member

    Thanks for the replies, I didn't realize I had to log back in here to see them. There is so much weirdness going on that the new plugin seems SO buggy. For example, I had entered the login for into my previous data. I often navigate to the page first, then launch 1password, or sometimes I navigate to the page and I have been logged off through timeout. Common enough occurrence...but now when I am on imgur, who only has the simple link "" in 1password, I no longer get the site association that I once had. When my webpage is on imgur's sign in page, 1password doesn't know it, so I have to launch a new page in 1password to log in. I used to just be able to open the plug-in, imgur would be on top of 1password, click on imgur, and 1password would fill in the username, password, and execute.

    It also drives me crazy that I have to log in a second time when I "open in 1password" after I was already logged into the browser plugin.

    And why make the copy feature so mysterious now? CTRL? Really, guys? Let's face it, with so many active server pages, your software works correctly about 80% of the time and all the little hacker workarounds you're stripping away make it user friendly for the other 20%. Please don't take them away.

    I don't know if it is better to try to roll back at this point or wait for you all to smooth out the rough edges. Maybe some of my requests won't be addressed in future versions?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Login not working: The first thing to do when an existing Login item stops working is to create a new one manually. Please let us know whether the newly saved Login item works as expected.

    Open in 1Password: Please see this article, and let us know whether that one scenario described applies in your case.

    Copy: This one has me confused. Are you referring to any of the listed keyboard shortcuts?

    Version 1 vs. 4: It is the nature of software development that some requests are addressed, while others are not, but be assured that we consider them all. Please let us know which specific requests you're referring to, if they're not already mentioned in the list of requested features

    Thank you!

  • tanya
    Community Member

    I am not sure if you are support, but please refer to the other person who commented on my post for reference to the copy/paste feature that was changed in the new version (I really don't use keyboard shortcuts in this software at all) and for all the rest of your comments, holy crap, that's a lot of work you want me to do.

  • tanya
    Community Member

    And the excessive data locking feature did not function that way in the previous version and should be a setting. Seriously, you make this software too complicated and you're going to lose sales.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks again for letting us know your preference, @tanya!

  • warpspeed
    Community Member

    Have to say, I agree with this. I hate the UI and responsiveness of the latest Windows version of the extension. The Mac version is great, works perfect. The windows one is uncomfortable and clunky. The way search happens is sucky, and I dislike how it pops up a balloon telling me what I'm searching for, and doesn't preselect the best match.

    I get so used to the Mac version then I come back to my Windows machine and it drives me nuts.

    I know it's hard because of different operating systems, but please try and get as much UX parity between the plugins as possible. The same goes for the actual app as well - the Mac version is polished and works great - the Windows version feels like a half baked attempt. Particularly the view/edit area, again, some UX parity there is badly needed.

  • tanya
    Community Member

    I feel like this DBrown person is some executive suit talking down to me.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    I dislike how it pops up a balloon telling me what I'm searching for

    I have removed this from version

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2014

    I happen to have been wearing a suit when my photo was taken, @tanya, but I work in sweats and a t-shirt, most days, and I'm definitely not an executive. I'm sorry if my replies have left a bad impression.

    Beyond thanking you for letting us know your preferences, I'm not sure what more I can say. We do appreciate hearing what our customers think, which is all I mean when I say "thank you," but we don't implement every single feature that is requested, and 1Password for Windows will never look or work exactly like 1Password for Mac.

    I'd be grateful if you could direct any further personal remarks to me by personal message (just click on my name on one of these replies), as the forum threads are really not the place for them.

    Thank you!


  • warpspeed
    Community Member

    @svondutch‌ thanks :smile:

  • tanya
    Community Member

    ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!! As an IT chick, I am torn between getting used to the new crappy versions or rolling back. Warpspeed mentions the pop-up search window? I uninstalled the Chrome extension, opened the software and checked for updates, and then reinstalled the extension. I am on ver I still get a pop-up search window, about half of my 80 logins need to be edited or re-added because they don't work correctly now...and did you know you have a setting under preferences to universally unlock the extension when the software is unlocked? Yeah, that doesn't work either.

    I would appreciate replies only from support, thank you.

    If you guys need testers...I'm for hire.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2014

    Please note that @svondutch wrote "I have removed this from version" and that the latest version available is I have no information about when the next release will be available, but updating the browser extension won't affect the main program or the helper.

    The Universal Unlock option on the Browsers tab of 1Password preferences works exactly as expected for me. If that option is enabled, the extension is either locked or unlocked in Chrome (39.0.2171.95 m) to match the lock status of the main program. If you can provide us with any additional information that might help us reproduce the problem you're reporting, we'd love to look into it.

    Thanks for your offer of formal assistance, too, @tanya!

  • tanya
    Community Member

    Actually, he wrote, "I have removed this from version" is a lower version number than

    As for the Uni-Unlock, I closed my browser again...and tried it, again...and it seems to be working for now, but it has been working on again off again for weeks now so I will tell you if it stops unlocking. I didn't even realize it was a setting that was default to enabled because it never works correctly with any consistency and I know I am not the only person who hates closing their browser, although I do it more than some. I am also on Chrome version 39.0.2171.95.

    What was wrong with the old extension? It was so much more user friendly and it looked better, too. This version is clumsy and awkward.

    I have been a customer for over 2 years. Did you make some staffing changes or something? Is that why the software lost all it's magic?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni is a 1Password for Windows version number. It's entirely coincidental that it's lower than, which is a 1Password extension number. The behavior of the helper (which displays the system tray icon and the pop-up search window) is not affected by the extensions. Sorry about the typo—I've corrected it in my reply, above.

    It's great news that a browser restart has the Universal Unlock working as expected. As an IT professional, you know that software (including Chrome) sometimes needs a little nudge...and sometimes a swift kick. :)

    The various lock-related options on the Security and Browsers tabs of 1Password preferences interact in ways that aren't obvious and are even affected by whether you've elected to have the helper available in the system tray. The only way to understand those interactions is to read the descriptions in the user's guide.

    Again, we're sorry you're less than happy with the newer extensions, @tanya. They were changed out of necessity, and they are an ongoing "work in progress." Thanks again for using 1Password!

This discussion has been closed.