Import Splash ID Data into Secure Notes

Great application, but need some help as I cannot locate anything in the knowledge base or on the forums.

I had no problems getting my Splash ID logins into 1Password; all fine there. However, I have a number of other record types (Credit Cards, ID's, etc) in Splash ID and am content to just import the data into a Secure Note. As these various types have different fields and sort order, rearranging all the data in Excel or whatnot is too cumbersome, so I figured a Secure Note would be ideal.

However, it appears the Import function is only for the Web Login record type and even when editing one in 1Password manually, all of my data fields did not import. I see I cannot drag one of these records into a new type in 1PW, nor edit the type of record when editing in 1PW.

Can someone advise the best way to get this miscellaneous data into the 1PW for Windows application???

Many thanks, Jeff


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Did you try the import utility provided by our generous forum member, @MrC?

    You can read about it in this thread:

    Please let us know how it goes, @JeffB123‌!

    (As for "dragging" items to other categories: You are correct; the categories define the essence of the items they contain.)

  • JeffB123
    Community Member

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I did try the utility and was not having success in getting it to run. :-(

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited November 2014

    Hi @JeffB123,

    If you are interested, please try the version in the _testing directory under my AgileBits Utilities folder. It contains a necessary bug fix for SplashID:

      - Fix: SplashID converter was mishandling two or more adjacent F records.
  • JeffB123
    Community Member

    @ MrC - I was having trouble getting the commands to even run in Windows 8.1. Not sure why???

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited November 2014

    Hi @JeffB123,

    If you want to work offline, drop me an email with the errors you are receiving and I'll walk you through the conversion process. Here is fine too, since this is your own thread.

    It's pretty easy, but most folks are not familiar with the exacting nature of commands run via the command line. My email is at the top of the script.

  • JeffB123
    Community Member

    Thanks for the help. I'm not a tech neophyte, but for whatever reason every time I enter the command, it says path not found. I am certainly copying the exact text and making sure the path is right (I put them on the desktop to make it idiot-proof). I guess I am the idiot. ;-( Could something have to do with Windows 8.1; I placed the file on the Classic desktop.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    There are three paths you are specifying. The first might be the path to the Perl program itself. The second is the path you changed directories into, with the cd command. The third is to your exported SplashID file. I'll need to know which path is having problems. Its best if you show the exact error message (these can be copy/pasted from the command window, or a screenshot is fine).

    The path problem in the first case occurs when users install ActivePerl, but don't allow the installer to update the PATH variable. So you'd need to specify the full path to perl, as in C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe instead of just using the command perl.

    The problem that occurs when trying to use the cd command, and the path problem specifying the exported SplashID file both happen where users have not moved the onepassword-utilities directory intact, onto their Desktop (but instead have perhaps moved the contained folder convert_to_1p4 to the Desktop). The directions assume these exact locations, simply because it makes writing directions easier (its easier to explain Do This, rather than Do Something That Results In This Behavior).

    If that explanation isn't enough, I'll need to see the exact error messages. No confidential information is contained in the output.

This discussion has been closed.