stolen computer: how to change master password

Community Member
edited November 2014 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Is there any way to talk or send an email to 1 password , I don't want money back just to shut down this program. My computer was stolen and I cannot successfully change master password on my phone . the new PW unlocks then locks back and no way to open it. Also could not install on new computer . have 4 vaults no data from drop box , uninstalled reinstalled . And I am worried my stolen computer which installed no problem, might be compromised .


  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    My computer was stolen and I cannot successfully change master password on my phone . the new PW unlocks then locks back and no way to open it.

    You don't mentioned which phone you have.

    Also could not install on new computer .

    Why? What happens?

    And I am worried my stolen computer which installed no problem, might be compromised .

    Even if it was compromised, without your master password your vault data should be safe. The only risk here is if you had a weak master password, but even then, changing the master password of the vault store in Dropbox will not change the password of the vault on your stolen computer (unless the thief happens to boot it up and login as you to allow a dropbox sync).

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