Master password
1Password is installed for all users on my iMac. I have an account and my wife has an account. I was able to setup my 1Password account with a
master password but when trying to do the same for my wife my master password doesn't work and I'm unable to set it up with a new master password. 1password rejects every password I've tried. I've uninstalled a couple of times with no success. I tried to locate a file that might contain this info but no success. How do I get out of this dilemma?
Thanks for any help
Hi @ljdejan
I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with 1Password here. It sounds to me like 1Password on your wife's account might be looking at a different database than yours.
I tried to locate a file that might contain this info but no success.
Your Master Password is not stored anywhere, except in your brain - unless, of course you write it down somewhere. If you do write your Master Password down somewhere, we recommend that it be in a safe place, like a safe deposit box.
Are you able to unlock 1Password on your account with your Master Password?
Let's get a few more details before we get too ahead of ourselves:
- What are the version numbers of 1Password and your operating system for all computers and devices running 1Password?
- What are you using to keep things in sync?
- It sounds like you are looking to share your entire password database with your wife, is that correct? If not, please let me know what sort of configuration you are looking to have.
The more detail you can provide, the more quickly we'll be able to get you sorted out! :)