Favorites no longer show in browser extension...

Community Member

In late October, I was trying to re-order my numerous logins for Google in my browser extension, and have them show when I first click the 1Password key icon (rather than having to click the "Show XX more items" link. The answer was to mark the main ones a Favorites. That worked, and those favorites showed when I first clicked the key icon.

Well, last night I had to add a new login (not as a favorite), and now it's the only login that shows when I first click the key icon. I have to click "Show XX more items" before I see my favorites, as well as the remaining 30-something logins.

Is this a bug, or is there some way to fix the order? I'm seeing this in both Safari 8.0 and Firefox 23.0.3. I'm running Mac OS X 10.10.1 on a 2013 MacBook Pro.


  • @wlampkin‌, This sounds like a result of Lenient URL Matching. Let's say you have logins saved for a site, and some use the main site (e.g. iCloud.com) for the website field and others use things like subdomains, (e.g. beta.cloud.com).

    All of these should appear as a match if you visit iCloud.com, but the ones under the subdomain beta.cloud.com will be under the Show X More Items divider. Essentially, exact URL matches get preferential treatment, and partial matches go under the Show XX More Items.

    Now, in a list of items that all have exact URL matches, a Favorited item will float to the top of the list.

    Can you check you items for the site you were seeing this on and compare the URL in the browser's address bar to the URLs saved in the entries matching this site? My guess is that some are exact matches and others are not.

  • wlampkin
    Community Member

    Thank you, Chris. That was the solution. Quite obvious, too, but not realized by me. I appreciate the help!

  • You're welcome, @wlampkin!

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