1Password failing to login to web account

First off, I'm new to 1Password. I'm testing it to see if I want to invest in the time to make use of this tool for myself and my family. In doing so, I've been testing some of my login's just to learn how it works and any kinks I may need to be aware of that may make this a deal breaker. So far, mostly all good. That said, my first 24hrs of use has resulted in some mixed feelings.

"Most" of my login activity has went well. I have the chrome extension and as I login to the site, it asks to save this and upon my future return visit I "auto-login" just fine. However, sometimes not. The primary offender is eTrade (only offender so far).

My current eTrade login is a UN and a PW. These are static, not dynamic like I've read of some other users. That may change in the future.

It just so happens eTrade was the first login I tried. I logged in, I saved it in 1Password (after it automatically asked) and everything seemed fine. I then logged off of eTrade. From a new tab, via 1Password, I simply clicked to login into eTrade and it worked. Just as promised. However, subsequent attempts later in the day did not. It only seemed to work properly after I logged in first or (after creating the 1Password entry) for a short period after that.

When I say it didn't work, I mean 1Password attempted to enter the UN & PW. I saw it do so (and the UN is correct) but eTrade responded saying the info was wrong...

Any help on this (if its me making an error) would be very helpful.

Lastly, I've spent so much time on this one account login, I've only added a few others and they so far, all seem to work. so, yes, it may be an eTrade thing, but I'd like to understand why, or more importantly if it is my (user) error.

Thanks in advance.


  • wallenak
    Community Member

    In addition... I tried to use 1Password for the purpose of logging into this forum... it doesn't seem to work. This has to be a problem with my skill in the software use. I'm eager to understand from other users what is the issue.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for contacting us, @wallenak!

    Just for clarity, "auto-login" would be 1Password detecting that you've landed on a web site's login form for which you have saved your login credentials and automatically filling the form and submitting it. 1Password doesn't do that, though. Instead, you indicate to 1Password that you want to log in to that site (by clicking on the 1Password icon in the browser toolbar, by pressing Ctrl+\ in the browser, or by using the "go-and-fill" feature in the main 1Password program); then 1Password will use your saved login credentials to fill the form (and optionally submit it for you, as well).

    I'd be happy to experiment with the eTrade web site, if you can share the specific URL you're visiting.

    Thanks for your interest in 1Password!

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2014

    @wallenak Here are a few things you could try with your eTrade login:

    1. Try another web browser. Assuming you're running Chrome or Firefox, try your eTrade login in Internet Explorer (or vice versa), or...
    2. Turn ON the Auto-Type feature for your eTrade login, then try again:

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Please let us know how it turns out, @wallenak‌.


  • wallenak
    Community Member
    edited December 2014

    DBrown, I may have chosen my words/step/actions in error by name, so for clarity, I will give it a shot again, but... well... I can't break it today?! It works! While that is good, I'm certain I've done nothing different (but... obviously I must have, as I've not updated the software either).

    My point is that I have not asked 1Password to do anything it doesn't do, but today, repeatedly I can't get it to fail (again, that's good!).

    So, a step-wise explanation of my actions, in case I have issues or others may in the future;

    1) In Windows 7, Chrome browser open (3 tabs), One of the tabs is on etrade.com

    2) I click the little 1Password icon on the upper right of the browser

    3) I enter my master pw

    4) I click the 1Password icon, then logins, then etrade. - then, w/o user actions, a new tab opens (now I have 4 tabs) 1Password enters the UN & PW and I'm in! (that would not work 'consistently' hence my post)

    5) I logged out of etrade, closed any tab with e-trade on it, I have 3 tabs again none of which have any link to etrade.

    6) I repeated the steps in row 4... a new (4th) tab opens, logs in and boom. I'm there no problems! just like above.

    So... I have changed nothing (that I am aware of) and it works! I don't have anything to add as I can't say what I'm doing different. My next test will be if I can master 1Password for logging into this forum... Thank you.

    I don't buy into random software errors, something on my end is different, but I can't put my finger on it. Thanks anyways. If I have any further issues, or learn anything, I will share it here.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Step 4 makes it sound like the URL in your eTrade.com Login item doesn't match the URL of the page you're viewing at the moment you select that Login item. Just having eTrade.com open in one of the three tabs isn't enough—that tab has to have "focus" for 1Password to fill it; otherwise, 1Password assumes you want to "go and fill" using the Login you're selecting.

    Step 6 is exactly the same behavior, just more obvious because you don't have an eTrade.com tab open at the moment.

    My guess is that you'll find the behavior consistent, armed with this information. Please let us know how it goes.

  • wallenak
    Community Member

    well... after yesterday I was quite excited that I had learned my lesson, or at least after entering about 15 of my existing accounts/UN/PW's I was off an running. Everything I tried worked essentially and even after a re-boot, all was fine.

    I have a bundle 1Password account and I had set up my wife's 2013 iMac running the latest Mavericks version (no, the Yosemite update will occur over the holidays when I have time to back everything up etc.). Therefore she is using 1Password ver 4 (I believe). Not version 5.

    I wanted her to see how the new program would be so helpful. So I had her login to 1Password, go to Login's and wal-la, she could see these accounts. I picked a few of the easier less critical ones, like Fitbit.com and it worked. I showed her how to access the key info, even if she wanted to type it in without "using" 1Password functionality. Then I picked some important logins, like our medical and a couple bank accounts and all of a sudden my success went all wrong... Most of the time, the auto-fill feature I witnessed within Windows version was not working in the OS X version. Sometimes I would get the UN but not the PW, sometimes nothing.

    I couldn't find any explanation for the outcome. Equally, the night before, after first installing the Mac version, I created an account (first time) on her Mac that I shared the next day with my windows machine and (as I recall), it worked fine. So when it "works" as I expect, they both generally work the same to the laymen user.

    Now I'm back on my windows PC and all of those that I had trouble using on OS X last night exhibit the same behavior on my windows PC. As if they never worked? This is very frustrating.

    Cutting to the chase, is there a slight compatibility issue between the OS X 1Password rev 4 and Windows version rev 4?

    If not, any suggestions for the inconsistent behavior?

    At this point the fix appears to be that I need to remake the logins (as I can't seem to edit them back into a functioning capacity, but a "re make" does work, at least it does so far.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2014

    We try hard to minimize it, but there will always be sites where your saved Login works differently on a Mac than it does on a PC. On top of that, sites get changed—not always in ways that are visible to the eye—causing the saved Logins to stop working.

    Whenever either of those happens, saving a new Login item is always the first step. If that doesn't solve the problem, let us know the details, and we'll do whatever we can to figure out what's going on and get things working for you.

  • wallenak
    Community Member

    Thanks. For the most part, I'm happy with 90% of the functionality and I'm so far confident I'm not going to lose control of my UN's & PW's... its better than my current method - which may not be saying much. Now that I have both versions generally working the way I think they are supposed to, and work arounds if they don't, I'm comfortable to proceed with fully populating 1Password. I'll hold off on any apparent platform issues until after I update to Yosemite and that platforms latest version of 1Password on my wife's MAC.

    Thanks again for the support and feedback. It has been VERY helpful.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    You're quite welcome, @wallenak! Please let us know whenever we can help.

    Thank you for choosing 1Password!

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