Sticking popup parts in Firefox add-on

Community Member
edited December 2014 in 1Password 4 for Windows

In the FireFox add-on for 1 Password it happens to me often that a pop-up from 1password "sticks" on the screen and also remails on top of every other window display.

Normally, if you use the add-on in Firefox, clicking on the "lock" in the toolbar of this webbrowser, it displays a menu with possibilities. One selects a menu-item, ans after selecting, the menu should disappear.

Now that last pasrt only happens if I reselect the menu and choose some other item. Also a "hint" opening after hovering, remains open, and needs to be closed by reselecting some other item.

Quite annoying actually...

Is there a solution for this?

FireFox: version 34.0.5

1Password for windows: 4.1.0. Beta 533

1 Password add-on for FireFox: version 4.2.5

Windows 8.1




  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @Burnardo I have seen this report from at least one other customer running Firefox, but I haven't been able to reproduce this.

  • Burnardo
    Community Member

    To be more precise on the description of this problem...

    The mentioned "popup" is a tooltip that appears on top of all screens. It displays the Username end Password as last used by the add-on in Firefox for login.
    It can only be hidden by again opening the add-on menu and making some (new) selection.

    If a tooltip-text could be reproduced by software (or malware...) the secrets could be opened up by anybody.

    Is this a possible problem?

    Regards, Burnardo

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    I believe Dev has added an option (in the next beta build, to be released within a couple of weeks) that allows you to disable the tool-tip display of the content of a Login item's Note field when you let the mouse rest on the Login item in the extension menu. I haven't seen the problem you're describing here, though, @Burnardo‌, in which it's the username and password fields.

    I can't think how those would be displayed, anyway. The only way I know of to see the username and password field from within the extension is to press Tab while a Login item is selected in the menu.

  • EdP
    Community Member

    I am having the same exact problem. I have the same pop up and can't get past it. I can't get one password to work with firefox at all. It works fine with IE though.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    By "can't get past it" do you mean that it prevents you from using the computer, @EdP, or just that the menu or tool-tip doesn't disappear?

    If the latter, does it disappear if you click on it again, as described by @Burnardo‌?

  • reck
    Community Member

    I'd just like to add that i've also had sticky notes appear. It's really strange and i'm not sure what triggers it but when it happens they appear in bottom right hand corner near the system tray. Once they appear there's no way to get rid of them, however they don't stay on top of all other windows.

    I'm using Firefox as well although this sounds slightly different to what's being described here and I assumed it was an issue with the main 1Password application rather than the browser plugin due to where it appears and the fact I can close FF and the notes windows remains.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @reck, are you seeing the content of the Notes field in one of your saved Login items when you let the pointer rest for a second over that Login in the extension menu?

    If so, that's the intended behavior; the next beta build will include an option to disable that feature.

  • reck
    Community Member

    Yeah could be, that's quite useful actually if it does that. It's only happened a handful of times and i've had to reboot the computer to get rid of as I couldn't figure out how to close 1P.

    I thought the sticky notes problem was related to Firefox though? In my case it seems to come from the desktop component and closing FF makes no difference.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @reck, we know of no element in the main 1Password program that could be displaying saved information in a tool-tip or other type of pop-up. That's a feature of only the extension, and only in the described circumstances.

    One customer (in another forum thread) has reported similar behavior when he clicks on one of the Copy icons in the details area in the main program, but we're not able to reproduce that at all. We've asked that customer whether he might be using some third-party clipboard-manager, because it's the only thing we can think of that might be triggered by a "copy" action.

  • reck
    Community Member

    That's very strange then. It's only happened a handful of times previously but if it happens again i'll try and grab a snapshot.

    I don't use any third-party clipboard managers.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the follow-up, @reck.

    Let us know what you find!

This discussion has been closed.