Notes in browser extension for firefox

the browser extension for firefox (windows) alwas shows all notes of a saved password in a little box. The box doesn´t close after choosing the saved password. So everyone can see the saved notes.....

Sorry for my English...


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Your English is great, @Grusi!

    In Firefox 33.1.1, with version 4.2.5 of the 1Password extension installed, I just visited a site for which I have a Login item saved that includes a note.

    When I let the pointer rest over the Login near the top of the 1Password extension menu, the note text appeared in a tool-tip, as expected.

    When I moved the pointer away from the Login, the tool-tip disappeared immediately, as expected.

    Next, I updated the extension to version 4.3.0.b1 (the latest beta available).

    My test results were the same: the note text appeared and disappeared exactly as designed.

    Can you tell us anything about your environment that might help us reproduce the problem?


  • Grusi
    Community Member

    I use Firefox 34.0 and the 1PW extension 4.2.5... Now I updated to 4.3.0.b1. On both versions the note text appeared in a tool tip. But the tooltip doesn´t close. Is it possible to diasable the tooltip-function ? Thanks for your help

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    Is it possible to disable the tooltip-function?

    Good suggestion. I have added this to version (due soon). Thanks!

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Wow! I only added that to the list of requested features a couple of hours ago!

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