Enhancement Suggestion: NATO Alphabet option for revealing passwords
Hi, I couldn't live without 1Password. One area I use it is to store passwords for customers for services we provide such as email.
A great addition to 1Password would be to add a NATO alphabet option to the drop down of password fields. This would make reading a password to a customer over the phone a breeze.
Instead of reading out the password: 0asjKfh2B18
and trying to remember the NATO alphabet (usually badly), I could ask 1Password to "reveal NATO" and get:
Zero Alpha Sierra Juliet upper-Kilo Foxtrot Hotel Two upper-Bravo One Eight
Hi @froamer,
Thanks for writing in. That's a really cool idea. As someone who usually remembers about 80% of the phonetic alphabet then get embarrassed when I don't remember that Q is for Quebec and my brain keeps yelling "quarrel, I think it's quarrel!" this would be really useful.
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I would love to see the Phonetic Password option as well. Even just the letters would be good!