1Password for Windows 4

I upgraded but find it impossible to figure out how to do a simple task: all I want to do is share a folder on my main account with my wife. I have set up 1Password and Dropbox on her PC. I have created a new vault on my PC, but seems to be all over the place - not sure how 1Password determines how new vaults are located. I have tried to copy the folder from one vault to another. Can someone please give very clear simple guidance (for someone who does not wish to become an IT expert and only to do a basic task) on how to share a folder? I read and followed the existing guidance, but there is something that I am missing or the guidance is missing!


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2014

    Sorry for the frustration, Ronnie.

    First, you're not sharing folders with your wife; you're sharing a full vault. All the items you want to share need to be put into a separate vault, which is then shared using Dropbox's built-in "share folder" feature. Then you tell your wife the master password, and she opens that vault in 1Password on her PC (assuming she's accepted the Dropbox share).

    The full details are described in the Sharing a vault article in the 1Password 4 for Windows user's guide.

    After you created the new vault (presumably the one you want to share with your wife), did you move it to Dropbox? To find out, launch the main 1Password program, press Ctrl+P, choose the General tab, and check the full path shown in the 1Password Vault field. What's there?

  • Ronnie Ilan
    Ronnie Ilan
    Community Member

    Thank you. Tried sharing a vault. Appears to be impossible. Created vault but cannot share or copy files in shared folder into vault. Looked up sharing vault on Mac instructions and really simple. There does not appear to be an option for sharing an item or vault. Do I need to activate something?

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    You seem to be under the mistaken impression that shared folders exist. They don't. A folder only exists inside a single vault and its contents can only be accessed when its vault has been opened.

    A shared vault is a normal vault that you have made accessible to multiple people.

    I think you need to be a lot more explicit about what "Tried sharing a vault. Appears to be impossible" means as its really not impossible.

    I notice you mentioned the Mac documentation. If you familiar with the Mac version then you need to be aware of the differences in the way it works. On the Mac you have a primary vault and secondary vaults that can be switched easily because the secondary vault master password is stored with the primary vault data. It also does not read and write to the agilekeychain directly. Any lookups amd changes happen on an internal database. The data in this database is only sent to agilekeychain when the vault is synced.

    On Windows there is no primary/secondary vault distinction. Each vault is independent and when switching vaults you must enter that vault's master password each time. It also has no internal database. It directly access the agilekeychain directly.

    Hopefully all that background helps you understand conceptual problems you're having.

  • Ronnie Ilan
    Ronnie Ilan
    Community Member

    Thanks. Maybe beyond my technical ability.

    I have a folder containing different websites that my wife and I use and for which I want her to have access to.

    I installed 1P on her PC. I created a new Vault on my PC, saved that vault to Dropbox, sent an invite to my wife's PC/ account, accepted. The "empty" Vault can be seen on both my 1P and her 1P. However, I cannot figure out how to share the information in the existing folder by moving it to the shared vault. I have not used Mac before but the instructions on that show that it is quite simple - you highlight the folder, and click share this to the secondary vault.

    Also, in terms of the installation on my wife's PC, for some reason when I open 1P it crashes (closes) after a few seconds. Happened yesterday and today. I also tried to save websites onto her PC. When, for example, I entered the login details for Dropbox it did not give an option to save these.

    I was hoping to do all the above within 2 hours, but now about to give up.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2014

    Ronnie, you can share a vault, and you can share an item, but you cannot share a folder.

    In general, please be sure you're consulting the 1Password 4 for Windows user's guide in seeking instructions for its use. As @RichardPayne‌ writes above, it's different enough from 1Password for Mac that we provide separate documentation for each, easily accessible from the Help menu in both programs.

    For your specific issues:

    • When you say "I have a folder" do you mean a folder within one of your 1Password vaults, or do you mean a .agilekeychain folder stored on your PC?

    • When you say 1Password "crashes (closes)" do you mean that it quits and displays some sort of error message, or do you mean that it locks and requires you to enter the master password again?

    • When you say "I entered the login details for Dropbox" do you mean that you went to dropbox.com, entered your login credentials, and submitted the login form; or do you mean that you launched the main 1Password program, clicked on the [+] New Item tool, dismissed the message box, and created a new Login item with https://dropbox.com as the URL?

  • Ronnie Ilan
    Ronnie Ilan
    Community Member
    edited December 2014

    Thank you. I will need to re-read set up - only looked at Mac guide when could not figure out position but now understand very different. In answer to your questions.

    1. In my original vault, I have a folder with 3 sub-folders, with each sub-folder having specific logins. Eg, Finance, Bank Accounts, specific bank site. That is still in the original vault. I created a new vault to share. I want to be able to share the Finance folder and all the sub-folders and all the sites in those folders with my wife. Ideally, by saving the whole structure into the new vault.

    2. It just closes, a few seconds after opening with the password. No error message.

    3. Went to Dropbox login site. Entered account and password. Tried it with password in addin on browser and without. Did not save.

    Thank you.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    1. You need to move or copy any Logins and other items you want to share to the new vault. The new vault you then share, as described in the user's guide and previous replies in this thread. In that Dropbox-shared vault, on either machine that has access to it, you can arrange the folders and subfolders as suits your needs.

    2. 1Password is designed to lock automatically, according to the settings you approve on the Security, Browser, and General tabs of 1Password preferences. You can read about them in the 1Password 4 for Windows user's guide.

    3. It's not surprising that 1Password wouldn't offer to save a Login when you didn't have the browser extension installed, but can you tell us what steps you took in going from "with password in addin on browser" to "without"?

      Related: Was the 1Password extension locked or unlocked when you submitted the Dropbox login form?

  • Ronnie Ilan
    Ronnie Ilan
    Community Member
    edited December 2014

    Thank you.

    1. I understand. The copying and moving should be made easier from 1P control panel - as simple as moving to Dropbox or as on Mac instruction.

    2. To clarify. Add in installed. Once logged in into add in and other time not. On my PC even if not logged in, gives me option to save but requires password to be entered.

    3. I have been using 1p for quite some time on PC, phone and iPad. Not experienced yet that shuts down immediately after opening and whilst trying to select options in control panel. Familiar with pitons to close after a certain time, or navigating away from screen and so on.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    1. We're always working to unify the Mac and Windows UIs as possible, but they'll never be the same, and there will always be some ways in which they're quite different.

    2. 1Password can't save a Login item (or do anything else with your data, for that matter) unless you've unlocked the vault. That's absolutely fundamental to the security of your data. You might find some useful information in the Excessive data locking article in the 1Password 4 for Windows knowledgebase.

    3. This one has me confused. You wrote: "Went to Dropbox login site. Entered account and password. Tried it with password in addin on browser and without. Did not save." and I'm not sure how that relates to "shuts down immediately after opening and whilst trying to select options in control panel." Can you clarify?


  • Ronnie Ilan
    Ronnie Ilan
    Community Member

    Thanks. Answers my questions.

    Incidentally, once (and if) I figure this out the next stage is to introduce password protection software to my business. Do you have an equivalent to Lastpass Enterprise? Prefer 1P - although need to get my head around the complexities of sharing vaults - but LPE seems more catered to business.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    There isn't a separate "enterprise" edition of 1Password for Windows, Ronnie, but you can certainly use vault sharing to make Logins and other vital information available to your employees.

    Thanks so much for choosing 1Password!

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