Syncing / Security question

I have two windows 8 PC's (one is work and the other home) for which I have 1Password 4 installed on both.. I have a tendency to use the work PC more than home and would like to know (exact steps) to sync between the 2 computers without using drop box. I would like to use an encrypted USB stick if possible but cant determine from the literature how to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • uriah179
    Community Member

    can anybody help me with this ?

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    just copy the agilekeychain folder back and forth. just remember to only modify your 1password data on one system at a time and remember to copy it over before making changes on the other.

  • uriah179
    Community Member

    Thanks Rich - just did that and it worked fine.. I don't change things much so this is pretty painless for me to do

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Be sure to copy the entire .agilekeychain folder (not just its contents) each time.

    I personally wouldn't copy one .agilekeychain folder over another, by the way—I'd replace the entire old version of the folder with the entire new version of the folder, each time—but that issue has been discussed, in another thread, and most people believe you're safe in doing that.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    That makes sense @DBrown. So rename the keychain you want to overwrite, copy in the keychain from the other device and then, if the copy completes successfully, delete the renamed old keychain.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Yes, that would be my own regimen, if I weren't using Dropbox. I'm not willing to forfeit the convenience, personally. :)

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