imported tab delimited file do not show in browser extension

Community Member
edited December 2014 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hello! :) Created a demo vault, logged in to it - deleted all existing entries. Exported all credentials from PasswordSafe program and assigned columns, success. But when you click the right side 1password icon in Chrome, none of the entries show up in any of the log in categories. But all of them are listed in the 1password program demo vault list. How can I get the Chrome extension to update all of these imported entries? Thanks!


  • oxygen6
    Community Member

    **UPDATE: ** If I import any log in credentials from a tab delimited file, they do not appear in the log in extension list. Only new log ins get saved to the extension list when prompted. Thought that maybe the included demo vault file was corrupted by deleting existing entries and importing new ones. But even after creating a new vault, same condition prevails. Extension is not updated with any imported data. It does save with each new manual log in cycle. There must be something it does not like with the imported file format even though there are no errors reported during such import.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    To be sure I understand correctly:

    Login items created from data you imported are visible in the main 1Password program; you can see all the pertinent details correctly identified as title, URL, username, and password; but those Login items are not visible at all in the extension.

    Login items you created in the main 1Password program or in the extension look exactly the same in the main program, and do appear in the extension.

    Is that right?

  • heinerlehr
    Community Member

    I am new to 1password and it has been a really, really rocky start. Certainly the import facilities could use some improvements.

    I have managed to export from KeePass into 1pif and imported them into 1password. However, my Chrome browser extension doesn't seem to recognise the entries as logins - it shows nothing available, but the one I have created directly from the browser. I have about 600 entries in my password DB, so I am not really keen on manually transitioning them...

    Any suggestion what I can try?

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Use the main 1Password app to edit one of the imported logins. Is the "Display in Web Browser" option ticked? If not then tick and save. Does the login now appear in the browser?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    The problem reported here seems identical to that reported in this thread.

    [now merged, as replies #4 and #5, above—DBrown]

  • oxygen6
    Community Member
    edited December 2014

    YES, that is correct. Am referring to the drop down list that appears when one clicks the small round icon top right of chrome browser, this is what I refer to as the extension unless this is the wrong term for that external log in list. That said, if you create a new log in on the main program window, it will appear in the extension list. This anomaly only has been encountered when you import a saved file list of credentials from the existing solution called "PasswordSafe" by Their app allows one to save as tab delimited or .csv file. Importing this file into 1password works fine, allowing one to match columns needed. But after the import, no entries appear in the extension list (browser list). So I can keep logging in to my sites and the program prompts to save credentials and that's cool. Just thought I would save time by importing all 50+ of the credentials I have.

    ALSO another license question.

    [replied by PM, to keep this thread focused—DBrown]

  • oxygen6
    Community Member

    Re-verified situation again today. The import external file function does not work completely. It will import items to the primary program window, but these imported entries are not displayed in the extension drop down list box. Tried disabling the 1password Chrome extension, closing browser then re-opening it, but to no avail. Suggest you repair the import external file feature as this will be needed by most migrating from a lesser solution. Thank you...

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @oxygen6‌, can you post (or attach or link to) a small sample of the delimited-text data you're trying to import?

    Of course, you'd need to replace any actual credentials with placeholder text (such as "my-username-here" and "my-password-here"), and we wouldn't need more than a few rows (after any header row, if the file includes one) to see the effect you're describing.

    If you prefer, you could send it to me by direct message, here in the forums.


  • oxygen6
    Community Member
    edited December 2014

    Thanks DBrown, please see following pasted text file. This board says .txt files not allowed as attachments to this comment. So it's pasted here. Thanks for investigating and hope it can be helpful. Only columns I pair up on import in 1password is Title - Username - Password - URL if available in the file - otherwise would fill that in manually. Thanks!

    Group/Title Username Password Created Time Password Expiry Interval Record Modified Time Password Policy Password Policy Name History Run Command DCA Shift DCA e-mail Protected Symbols Notes
    Contracto LLC.AA username Zj(44te!pN 2013/12/03 15:39:18 10300 -1 -1 N "" username reeerre 2013/11/29 06:10:56 00000 -1 -1 N ""
    ContractorsLLC. username ggg(7!333 2012/07/09 15:02:13 2013/11/13 02:10:08 00000 -1 -1 N "
    ContractorsLLC. username 666;UU%9 2014/09/22 10:43:48 10300 -1 -1 N ""
    ContractorsLLC. rrrert10 thiele 2007/09/09 10:37:23 2007/09/09 11:57:14 2007/09/09 11:57:14 00000 -1 -1 N ""
    Contractors123. sdsds007 es104s2f66 2007/04/28 10:10:45 2012/09/05 07:54:35 2013/10/16 20:31:00 2013/07/19 10:25:45 00000 -1 -1 N "po
    Contractors567. eseptic 2323233356 l55555+!DYClw 2012/06/12 13:19:59 2012/07/01 08:51:15 00000 -1 -1 N "for
    ContractorsLLC. grtzzze he700qq90s 2007/04/30 07:56:16 00000 -1 -1 N ""
    Contractors908. username Ba!]Cw333wDb3 2014/02/02 18:44:35 10300 -1 -1 N ""
    ContractorsLLC. username 6sch22z817 2014/01/16 17:11:56 2014/01/16 17:18:26 2014/01/16 17:21:41 10301 2014/01/16 17:11:56 000a esc -1 -1 N "NAC invoice BIN = 848985255"
    ContractorsLLC. username dmm11111x 2013/11/09 16:02:22 00000 -1 -1 N
    ContractorsLLC. rtrdd88k lY6-q3wqwwq 2014/09/30 04:25:08 2014/09/30 04:25:44 10301 2014/09/30 04:25:08 0007 ncXRKro -1 -1 N ""
    ContractorsLLC. username zwxe555qw9zw 2014/12/17 07:33:13 10300 -1 -1 N ""

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited December 2014


    Can you zip the text file and attach that? The pasted text in the forum here won't work well as a sample.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    @MrC's suggestion is best, but you could alternatively paste edit your paste to place the data inside a code block. That should retain any special characters that Markdown might have stripped.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2014

    @RichardPayne‌, the forum's markup limitations make CODE tags a hassle. I've tried to mitigate it.

    @MrC, you can open the reply in edit mode and copy out the pasted text. (Exclude the NBSP tags I added to retain the two blank lines.)

    @oxygen6, please confirm that there are no actual credentials in that pasted text!

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    The import external file function does not work completely. It will import items to the primary program window, but these imported entries are not displayed in the extension drop down list box.

    @oxygen6‌ It does work, but your CSV needs to include an URL and you need to import that URL. Without an URL the 1Password web browser extension has no idea what to do with your Login item.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    Good catch, @svondutch! Thank you.

    @oxygen6, is it correct that the login credentials in each row of your CSV file don't include a URL where the credentials are to be used?

This discussion has been closed.