Outlook and 1Password?

Community Member
edited January 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hello I am operating with outlook 2007 which was working fine. it would open all emails with web content until I downloaded 1password now it will only download the text and display red X in a square for all other content. Any help would be greatly appreciated PS my wife wants her coupons!
Thank you in advance


  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    I know of no way that 1Password could affect Outlook like that. Have you tried to set any proxy settings anywhere?

  • Modelmaker
    Community Member

    Im not really great with computers and I am not 100% sure on the Proxy settings but what I did do was go into tools/advance (where I shouldn't be) and made sure items were enabled in multimedia section. then I went into outlook settings under Macro/security and then maded sure that do not download pictures automatically was not checked.

    So now to get it working I went into Msconfig (another place I should not be) start up and un-checked 1password then went back into emails and it works??

    Does 1password change the temporary internet file location, and this is why I cannot load the content?

  • Hi @Modelmaker‌

    Can you please try re-launching msconfig and re-enabling 1Password on startup, restart your computer (without making any other changes) and see if the problem reoccurs?



  • Modelmaker
    Community Member

    Well Ben I have to say thank you but you must have special powers here, As of this post I forwarded some emails and they worked FINE. I will have to check in in the morning if it works from another sender.
    Help me out with this please the computer was shut down and restarted after I down loaded 1PW and when I was trouble shooting it I know I shut down and restarted at least twice so what am I missing? I talked to a couple of friends that have 1PW and they said it was impossible that that would happen until I facetimed them and they seen it.

  • Hi @Modelmaker‌

    I have to say I find it hard to believe that it is at all related to 1Password. It sounds like a coincidence. I'd say if 1Password is currently enabled and the problem is not occuring that is pretty strong evidence of that, as we didn't change anything.


  • Modelmaker
    Community Member

    I do have to agree with you and I do appreciate the help and information from you and Mr. Payne. Cheers

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    We're always happy to help, @Modelmaker‌.

    Thank you for choosing 1Password!

  • Modelmaker
    Community Member

    Hello to you all again, I am here with great confusion again because the original issue that I posted with has occurred again. We were away since we last posted the problem. we turned our computers off while away and when we got back and turned on the computer and opened outlook emails loaded but would not download the content which would leave the box with a red (X) in all of the areas where this content was to be loaded. So what I did was go right to MSCONFIG which I only unchecked 1PW then restarted the computer opened outlook then went into the email then all of the content started loading and displayed fine? so I didn't open all of the emails for which I went back to MSCONFIG rechecked 1PW restarted computer and now it down loaded the content? Any ideas as to why this might be? I clearly understand what you said about 1PW not interacting with outlook but all I did was turn 1PW off and then it worked? Thank you, Tony

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    We still can't think how this could be related to 1Password, @Modelmaker‌, but I've asked Dev for any suggestions.

    Thanks for your patience, while we wait for someone to chime in, here.

  • Hi @Modelmaker‌

    So that I make sure I'm understanding correctly:

    1Password is currently enabled and Outlook is working properly?

    If that is the case I think the argument could be made that simply restarting the computer did as much good as disabling 1Password did...

    I am not dismissing that there could possibly be some conflict, it is just that with the information we have right now things are not adding up. I will speak with my colleagues and see if we can come up with something more definitive. In the mean time could you please let us know exactly which version of 1Password and which version of Outlook you have installed on which version of Windows?

    It is possible that there is some sort of race condition present... I've asked our main Windows developer to look into that possibility.



  • Modelmaker
    Community Member
    edited January 2015

    "1Password is currently enabled and Outlook is working properly?" yes it is working right now and just restarting the computer the very first time I had the issue did not correct the issue until after I finally went into msconfig and turned it off and restarted the computer everything worked..... This time I went right to msconfig and turned it off and restarted the computer and it worked.

    "In the mean time could you please let us know exactly which version of 1Password and which version of Outlook you have installed on which version of Windows?"
    Operating windows 7 home premium with version 6.1.7601 service pack 1 build 7601

    outlook 2007

    1PW version (does not have beta box checked)

    This might be unrelated below

    What I did notice is on the windows 1pw when I went into about 1PW it has displayed "Demo mode you have 15 items in your vault (up to 20 items is free)"

    I have purchased the1PW pro which is on my apple devices which works great and I do not see it saying demo mode. I am able to download my 1PW pro to a windows system using my with original account and log in that I set up correct? It did sync to my account without a problem.

  • Modelmaker
    Community Member

    Again thank you all and i am just grateful I purchased your product, because now I will let my friends know that the support behind the product is 100% which is unheard of lately in this app filled world we entrust.

    Thank you

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    I have purchased the1PW pro which is on my apple devices which works great and I do not see it saying demo mode. I am able to download my 1PW pro to a windows system using my with original account and log in that I set up correct? It did sync to my account without a problem.

    As you may have realized, using the in-app purchase to enable the "pro" features in 1Password for iOS doesn't get you a license for 1Password for Windows. Here's what's listed in the iTunes App Store for the "pro" upgrade:

    • Multiple and Shared vaults

      • Collaborate securely between team members
      • Share strong passwords with the whole family
      • Automatic sync keeps everyone up-to-date
    • Additional categories including driver’s license, passport and many more

    • Organize your data into folders or browse by tags
    • Customize your items with multiple URLs, custom fields and more

    Even without the "pro" features, you can share and sync your 1Password data between your iOS device and your PC (Macs and Android devices, too!) using Dropbox.

    Either way, though, you'll need to purchase a 1Password for Windows license, in order to use it on your PC, and I see you've done that now. Thank you!

    It sounds like you've got everything working now, but please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.

This discussion has been closed.