Password Depot > 1Password

Currently a user of Password Depot and looking at moving to 1Password. Has anyone else here done this? Is there any "relatively easy" export and import options ?





  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for considering 1Password, @rjay!

    Can Password Depot export your existing login credential (URL, username, and password, at a minimum) to a well-formed delimited-text file, as described in the Importing data article in the 1Password 4 for Windows user's guide?

  • rjay
    Community Member

    Thanks! yep managed to do an export of 5 major fields and have done an import and am testing in 1Password now. Few tweaks to do to get the data right (e.g. all came in as logins and some will need to be other type) but looks to have work ok.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    Yes, as noted in that user's guide article, @rjay, 1Password imports (and exports) only Login items in delimited text.

    1Password Interchange Format (1PIF) is the only import-export format that supports all item types, as it's primarily intended for getting data from one 1Password vault to another (though one of our awesome forum members has created and actively maintains text-to-1PIF converters for the output of several password management tools, just not for Password Depot).

  • rjay
    Community Member

    All good! definitely better than starting from Scratch completely. thanks again

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2015

    Hi @rjay,

    I took at a look at Password Depot's XML export data format. It should not be too much trouble to create a converter for this. The converter would properly categorize items like Credit Cards, etc., handle folders/categories, custom fields, and perform auto-splitting of records where appropriate so that 1Password works as designed.

    If you have many records that you need to re-organize from your currently imported data, let me know, and I'll see what I can do to get a converter ready.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @MrC to the rescue. Thanks a million...again!

  • rjay
    Community Member

    MrC! nice work, yeh look I think it would be good and I am sure there would be other people that would use the converter over time as well. Overall (i know i shouldn't talk up another competing application too much on this forum) but Password Depot is very very good, I have been a paid user since version 3.0 but the cross platform use of 1Password and its ability to be used on mobile platforms without having to modify the database seems great. With Password Depot you have to convert the data file to a portable version to use on your iPhone or Andriod devices which is my main reason at looking to change.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Will the converter help you, or are you past that stage now?

  • rjay
    Community Member

    Yes, I am only in the testing stages of moving across, so I just did an entire dump as a CSV rather than XML. So I worked out at the minimum I could get the data in as one giant lump that way.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I have a question for you. How do you want me to handle the EC Card type? You may not have any of these.

    It contains data that perhaps should be split into three 1Password items - a Login (green), a Bank Account (yellow) and a Credit Card (lavender). There is no 1Password credit card type "EC Card", so the type field would go into the Notes section of the Credit Card entry.

    The Login entry is needed if you want to have 1Password open the web page and log in for you.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    "lavender"...didn't you tease me, a while back, for using "periwinkle"? ;)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    That's funny. I'd forgotten about that. Worse yet for me, is that your color was closer to Lavender:

    while mine is actually the far more emasculating Pink Lace!

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    I forgive the undeserved slur. ;) The use of Pink Lace, though, may be problematic.

    By the way, I don't know whether you'd noticed, but my use of that color, whatever it was called, was shot down, earlier this year. In the current docs, we've settled on a sort of Burnt Orange. I'm sure it'll grow on me, eventually. :)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2015


    I have the converter essentially done with the exception of some date conversions and a few cleanups. I'll await your reply from post #11 above to finish and make it available to you.

    Here's a screenshot of the conversion output and the import on a Mac where I do my work (the converter will run on Windows too):

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2015

    Well, I completed the converter as I had some extra time. We can make adjustments if necessary. I decided nothing from an EC Card belonged in a Credit Card category, and the information will be placed into the Banking entry and also split into a Login entry.

    The converter is in the _testing folder, as described in this thread.

    Note: Item 2d in the README.pdf says to run the command cpan Date::Calc. This will fail. Run the command cpan -fT Date::Calc instead.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    @DBrown can I suggest moving @MrC's Converter thread to the Lounge since it runs on Mac and Windows. I had no idea it even existed. Stick would be nice too. ;)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2015

    Hi @RichardPayne,

    Thanks for the suggestion - it rings in my ears from the not too distant past.

    This is a hard one, which several of us had discussed some time ago. Forum categories are a bit dated, and restrictive - their taxonomy always seem to fit some of their intended purposes, but never all.

    A while back, we tried an approach of cloning the threads in each OS forum, when there were individual converters / password manager. That didn't work out too well, as I ended up spamming the forums, and the multiple threads were just too hard to maintain. And that ignored the Beta forums, too. So I had some conversations with the folks at AgileBits, and I described to them my plans to consolidate all the converters into a single package. And we agreed in that case that I'd create a single "master" converter tools thread in the Mac forum, and would just refer to it whenever necessary.

    New users who want to convert seem to be generally successful in ultimately finding that thread via searching for their particular password manager and/or some conversion term, or find some other related and linked thread. Those that don't search, or find any results, create their own thread, and some user, moderator, or I follow-up.

    As to the Sticky suggestion, I wouldn't feel comfortable making that choice for AgileBits, so I'll leave this part alone.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    There's a link to the conversion utilities in the 1Password 4 for Windows documentation, @RichardPayne:

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    I understand all of that, but for this:

    So I had some conversations with the folks at AgileBits, and I described to them my plans to consolidate all the converters into a single package. And we agreed in that case that I'd create a single "master" converter tools thread in the Mac forum

    Why the Mac forum? Why not the Lounge (ie the forum for all platforms)?

    Forum categories are a bit dated, and restrictive - their taxonomy always seem to fit some of their intended purposes, but never all.

    I agree. +1 for Tags. :grinning:

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2015

    Why the Mac forum? Why not the Lounge (ie the forum for all platforms)?

    Probably because a) the Mac platform is the predominant 1Password desktop platform so that forum has the most traffic, and b) perhaps because Lounge seems like a nice off-topic place to talk about "Dave Teare's back problem/solution", "What's the Deal with the Affiliate Program?" or "T-Shirts", but I'd certainly not like to be in the same forum as a post titled "Smart Idiot Syndrome"! :-)

    No matter the thread's location, some unknown quantity of people won't notice it. Google is our friend.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni


  • rjay
    Community Member

    hey all, sorry I am late to the party been away from my email all weekend. @MrC, in regards to your question no I don't have any EC cards, not actually sure what they are to be honest but yeh don't use that category. Thanks heaps for the work on this one, will check out the converter this week once I get back on top of things! :D

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    No problem, and you're welcome.

    FYI: EC cards are essentially European debit cards. In Europe, credit cards aren't used as frequently as in the US.

  • rjay
    Community Member

    Sorry to fire up an old thread but I have another question regarding a conversion from Password Depot to 1Password. Its a large file and passwords are in groupings in folders. When importing into 1Password they all end up in logins (which is fine they are all logins) but they are no longer in separate folders, is there anyway to import them and have them come across into folders of the same name under "all" in 1Password rather than have to sort them all once imported ?


  • rjay
    Community Member

    Just noticed on the import it offers an option to import into folder i think by specifying a deliminator such as "\" for the folder if it is in the name field for the password. I can't seem to find a way to list folder name in the export CSV out of Password Depot but I have sent them a support request asking if this is possible in any way. Only other way I can see is to export each Folder as its own CSV and then import it and move them to a folder. Would take a while but still far easier than sorting through the entire password list. Anyone else done this before? thoughts?


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @rjay,

    No problem. When you run the converter, add the --folder option to have Folders created. See the --folder option in the README for more info.

    You want to export as XML, not as CSV. See the Password Depot section in the README.

  • rjay
    Community Member

    Ahhhh k! I will try this!

  • rjay
    Community Member

    thanks @MrC worked well and saved me a fair bit of manual work. It did during the import process come up with a few "there is already an item named do you want to over write"..... I said no to all. Just wondering why that may have come up though as the other export and import method in CSV where they were all going into the one folder didn't mention any duplicates

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    1Password for Windows asks about same titled entries on import, regardless of folder.

    Glad you got your conversion and import done.

  • rjay
    Community Member

    ok thanks. Ok so is it actually going to over write even thought its in a different folder ?

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