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Sync between main app and Safari extension/menu bar app

Community Member


I'm sure this topic has been dealt with but I can't seem to find it. How do I keep both the Safari extension and the mini menu bar app synced with data in the main app? I've never been able to figure this out (in previous versions either) and there's nothing in the guides that I can find anyway.

Also just to let you know that Facebook log in to the forums doesn't work.



  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    How do I keep both the Safari extension and the mini menu bar app synced with data in the main app?

    You don't. :) Both are effectively the front end for the same database. They certainly should not contain different information. Do they? If so, there's a problem with your 1P installation that needs to be fixed.

    If you do have the problem of different information in each please post again and tell us:

    1. your 1P version number (go to 1P > About 1Password and tell us exactly what it says);
    2. your OS X version number.


  • Hi @rogers546,

    Thanks for writing in. Regarding the facebook login on the forum... we're looking into it. Sorry about that.

    As for how to keep data in sync... @Stephen_C is absolutely correct here. The mini (menu bar app) is essentially the brains of the operation and it manages all of your data. The main app connects to the mini and pulls all data from the mini. It does not have its own database, so there's nothing to keep in sync there. The browser extension now days is little more than the button you see in the toolbar and all of the filing logic. There was a time where the extension was basically a complete re-implementation of 1Password, but we've redesigned the extension a few times since then and are currently doing another redesign to make it even simpler. The extension will connect to the mini just like the main app does. The interface you see within the browser is actually the mini itself, which is why it looks exactly the same as the mini.

    Less syncing, less worries. :smile: Hope this answers your question.


  • roger546
    Community Member
    edited May 2015


    I know it's quite sometime since I posted my initial question but despite updates etc I still have problems with data syncing. For example, the main desktop app has a different list of favourites than in both the extension and in mini.
    OS 10.10.3
    1Password 5
    Version 5.3.1 (531001)

    Thank you Stephen and Rick. Rick, no dis-respect, I'm aware of what these are and supposed to do, my issue is that they don't.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I'm just wondering whether it's possible that you have more than one copy of 1P on your Mac (or perhaps on some disk that is permanently attached to your Mac). If you carry out a Spotlight search for 1Password what is the result?


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @roger546,

    It might be useful to also know what browsers and 1Password browser extension versions you're running too.

    The only other possibility I can think of is if you have any items that have their display setting set to Never display in browser instead of the default Always. With your favourites it will likely be easy to manually check the list and see if that's the issue. You would edit each favourite in turn and at the bottom of the Item Details pane you should see attachments and above that submit and then display. If display isn't Always we've found one cause.

    To find all items that have display set this way you'd be best setting up a saved search AKA Smart Folders. If you create a search of All Items and set the criteria to Shown in browser the ordering will change a bit to keep the statement grammatically correct but you can create a search that states Is not Shown in browser. That will list any item that will currently not appear in 1Password mini.

    If the display setting isn't the cause then knowing about your browsers and browser extensions might supply the clues required.

  • roger546
    Community Member

    Fantastic!! Thank you very much littlebobbytables, you solved it. Thanks also to you Stephen, I appreciate you taking the time.
    You've both made my day. :)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Glad I could help @roger546 :smile:

This discussion has been closed.