Please add support for Aliexpress

Aliexpress is going to be a big deal. The ebay of the future, whatever. Anyway they have changed their login to include a CAPTCHA and it doesn't work well now with 1password. It goes something like : Click 1P to try to login. Get error as new box appears with CAPTCHA. Now clicking 1P won't fill in the password. So I need to go copy the password manually. PITA. Even if you can make it so that 1P actually fills in the password after the captcha appears would be a big improvement.

Please fix!!


  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    From my testing:

    1) The first attempt doesn't present the captcha and the username/password works fine.

    2) Once the captcha is displayed, the failed submission does not clear the username or password fields, so just enter the captcha and click login.

    You might be able to make this process easier for yourself by editing the login and setting the Submit option to Never. This should fill the username and password without submitting the form and allow you to enter the captcha.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Please let us know whether @RichardPayne's suggestion helps, @beautox‌.


  • beautox
    Community Member

    What I find is that the captcha comes up randomly. Using 1P to login, when no captcha is displayed sometimes results in "incorrect validation" error and then it does display the captcha. And it clear the password field. And attempting to get 1P to re-fill that field does not work. I have to go copy the password from 1P and paste it... I'm using Chrome. And I have submit set to never.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    @beautox, I'd have thought @RichardPayne's suggestion would work, and the symptoms you describe are confusing.

    Is there any chance you could edit the Login item in the main 1Password program just to get a screen shot of the edit window, showing all the fields and their designations? Of course, you'd want to obscure the actual values of those fields!

    Also, did the 1Password extension create the Login item for you, did you create the Login item manually in the extension, or did you create it in the main 1Password program?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @Bunyak, I've moved your comments to the 1Password for Mac forum, where they'll get the attention of folks with more knowledge of that product.

This discussion has been closed.