Problem logging in to with IE extension

Community Member
edited January 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Firstly, I'm a brand new user of 1Password and very senior to boot, so treat me gently please!


I have 2 virtually identical logon pages for 2 un-associated web sites. One works perfectly and the other returns an error saying the logon and password are incorrect. Both pages auto-fill correctly (although the passwords cannot be checked) and launch the sites as expected.

I have tried both the auto-save and the manual-save options as described in the guidance notes but there appears to be no difference between them. I have also tried the Ctrl+\ option on the troublesome site without any success.

I am running Windows 8, IE and 1Password 4.

Any ideas what may be causing this difficulty?



  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @DonGrove Can you share the URL for the non-functioning Login with us? Thanks!

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Note that the passwords can be checked after they've been filled.

    The instructions are the same for Firefox, Chrome and surprising IE too:

    right click on the password field and select "Inspect Element". You'll then see this at the bottom of the screen:

    double click on the attribute highlighted in red and you can change it. Change "password" to "text":

    the content of the password field will then be displayed:

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    You can also check that you saved the correct password by selecting the Login item in the list area of the main 1Password program and viewing the Login in the details area.

    Let us know whether any of this is helping, @DonGrove‌.

  • DonGrove
    Community Member

    Apologies for the tardy response.

    The URL you were asking for is

    I haven't had time to try the check suggested by Richard Payne but I have cross checked the password in the Login details area of the main programme. All detail there is correct.

    Please note that when the Login page of the offending URL returns the error I tried retyping the login AND password. This also returned a failure error. The only way to login after this is to close IE down and start again.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    Thanks, @DonGrove‌.

    I just visited in IE 11, entered a fake username and passord, and submitted the form. The 1Password extension failed to offer to create a new Login item for me.

    So, I entered the fake credentials again, clicked on the 1Password icon in the IE toolbar, chose Settings > Save New Login, and clicked the Save button in the 1Password Auto-Save dialog box.

    Then I refreshed the page in IE to clear the fields and pressed Ctrl+\. The 1Password extension filled the username field, but the site immediately displayed a "Date entry problem" message (apparently before 1Password could fill the password field). When I dismissed the error message, the password field was filled, but the username field was highlighted in red, indicating an error.

    Next, I edited the Login item for that site in the main 1Password program, enabling the Use auto-type in web browser option.

    I refreshed the web page in IE again, placed the insertion point in the username field, and pressed Ctrl+\. The 1Password extension filled the username and password fields and submitted the form. The web site processed the submission, as desired. (Of course, the login failed, because I don't have an account on that web site.)

    So, the solution is to enable auto-type for that Login item, and place the insertion point in the username field before you press Ctrl+\. (When a Login doesn't work for some reason, enabling auto-type is usually a good thing to try first.)

    I can't say how or why this site differs from the other, at least not without looking at the other site, as well. There are lots of reasons why two sites might work differently, no matter how similar their login forms or even your saved Login items themselves may appear.

  • DonGrove
    Community Member

    Thanks DBrown,
    That seems to work but I see that I have to use Ctrl+\ for this site (Maritime Super) whereas I don't for the other site that I was using as a comparison. Does this sound right to you?
    In any case thanks for your help

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    So, the solution is to enable auto-type for that Login item, and place the insertion point in the username field before you press Ctrl+. (When a Login doesn't work for some reason, enabling auto-type is usually a good thing to try first.)

    Yes, that's the nature of auto-type: it just simulates you actually typing the characters of the username, pressing the Tab key, and typing the characters of the password, but you'd have to start by putting the insertion point in the username field.

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