Question about the Demo Mode restrictions

So at first, my 1Password demo only showed that I could get a total of 20 logins/accounts/etc. After I had reached 20 logins, it turned into a different notice that said it would expire in about a month from then. Just out of curiosity, what would've happened if I would've let it expire (I've bought a license the other day to prevent that from happening). I'm just asking because I was kinda surprised when I could add more than 20 logins without losing any of my old ones.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    As I understand it, @Pagan, you can create as many items as you like during the free 30-day trial period, when you have full and unlimited use of the program. After 30 days, you still have access to all existing items in your vault, but you can't create more than 20 until you enter the license key to remove that restriction.

    It could be that deleting any items more than 30 days old would get you under the 30-day limit temporarily, in which case you'd be able to create more than 20 least until one of them was more than 30 days old again.

  • Pagan
    Community Member

    The thing is, I had the 1Password demo installed for 30 days (which I guess I shouldve mentioned in my original post), deinstalled it, reinstalled it and it then said 20 items max. So far so good I guess, since I didn't expect a reinstallation to circumvent the 30 days trial period. But once I had reached 20+ items (I never had 20+ items up until that point, not even during my original trial period) it just turned into ANOTHER 30 days trial which I found strange. I was expecting some kind of error message after trying to add more than 20 items. I don't think that's the way it's intended to work..

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    My understanding was that it was based on the age of the oldest item in the vault—if more than 30 days and no license found, then limited to 20 new items.

    The mechanism may have been changed since I last wrote about it, though.

  • Pagan
    Community Member

    It would seem it has been changed since I had neither a license at that point nor an item older than 30 days and yet I was limited to 20 items (which, like I already said, strangely changed once I exceeded 20 items)

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    I was limited to 20 items (which, like I already said, strangely changed once I exceeded 20 items)

    You're saying you were limited to 20 items until you exceeded 20 items, after which you were no longer limited to 20 items?

  • Pagan
    Community Member

    Exactly, and I'm 100% sure of it. I was watching the "About 1Password..." tab in the software which basically said xx out of 20 items and once I had exceeded that limit, it turned into "is gonna expire on the 20th of february (around that date at least, roughly a month, can't remember the exact day), which was kinda strange: I was expecting some kind of error message that would ask me to buy a full license to add more items. The only thing that I can think of is that reinstalling 1Password somehow messed up the demo mode. I deinstalled it properly and didn't change anything else prior to reinstalling. It's not really an issue for me personally because, like I said, I've bought a full license in the meantime and it's working flawlessly. However I guess it's some kind of bug and not intended.

    By the way I'm loving how fast you guys respond to support messages, great work!

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    Ah, now I understand the confusion.

    The "will expire on ..." message is about the beta build, not the trial period.

    We set beta builds to expire because the value of a public beta program is to get feedback on the latest beta. Automatically expiring them makes beta users keep the builds up to date.

    That's completely unrelated to the free demo period, though.

    I hope that helps.

    By the way I'm loving how fast you guys respond to support messages, great work!

    Thanks! We sleep, sometimes, too, but we do try. :)

  • Pagan
    Community Member

    No that can't be it, I've never downloaded a beta, I even checked my downloads and both times I downloaded the current 1Password-, not the beta version.

    Also the message looked exactly like this guys one which isn't a beta either

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    You're right! I'd forgotten that the demo mode "about" windows lists an expiration date, now. :blush: I apologize for the lapse of memory.

    That thread you linked to confirms my understanding of the demo mode, though, so I can only fall back on @svondutch‌'s comments #2 and #4, there.

  • Pagan
    Community Member

    Hm, in #2 he is talking about "login items", in #4 he's just talking about "items". Could you confirm that it's indeed "items" and not just "login items". (login items to me are just "Logins" whereas "items" includes "Accounts" "Software" etc.).

    Sorry to be bothering you it's just I'm paranoid that 1 or 2 of my logins were deleted when I exceeded 20 items. I was pretty tired at that point and it was in the middle of the night. It's impossible to have more than 20 items after the initial 30 days trial period yet I had 21 or more in my account at one point and it miraculously switched back to a 30 days trial period AFTER it had already shown me the xx/20 items.

    I guess it's highly unlikely that the software would delete items on its own yet I have a bad feeling.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Login items, Secure Note items, Credit Card items, Identity items, and so on (occasionally shortened, for convenience, to Logins, Secure Notes, Credit Cards, Identities, and so on) are item types, technically known in 1Password as categories. See the Glossary in the 1Password 4 for Windows user's guide for details.

    It's not that you can't have more than 20 items in 1Password after the free 30-day trial—in fact, you can still use the ones you created during the trial—you just can't create any more without entering a valid license key. I hope that makes sense.

    And no, 1Password won't delete any items on its own. In fact, even the ones you tell it to delete just go into the trash until you get them out or empty the trash.

  • Pagan
    Community Member

    I'm afraid this discussion will lead to nothing. I have perfectly understood how the trial period is supposed to work, it didn't work the intended way, it's a bug. That's really all I wanted to know. I'm just hoping none of my data was deleted when 1Password didn't work the way it's supposed to.

    Thank you :)

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    As I wrote above, 1Password shouldn't delete any items on its own.

    I'm sorry if the discussion seemed directionless—I had hoped only to answer your questions.

    ref: AGW-85

This discussion has been closed.