Problems with extension in Firefox and IE 11

Denis A
Denis A
Community Member
edited January 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Repeated error message from Firefox - when trying to install 1Password extension from the 1Password web site: "The add-on could not be downloaded because of a connection failure on" (Firefox 35.0 Running in Windows 7 Professional)


  • Denis A
    Denis A
    Community Member
    edited January 2015

    Auto-Save is not coming up for most sites - including and and then when I thought I found a way to get the pop up to come up at least and to use the command "Save New Login" for this page - it saved the page data but none of the password and user name info I typed in. Frankly, I feel like I've wasted just about enough time trying to get this program to work in trial mode right now. It's about the fail my trial. Looking for a cross-platform solution for OS X, Win 7, and iOS, but the Windows implementation is driving me nuts today. What am I missing here? I don't want to have to manually create all my entries and then have to go into 1P to manually open up all my web pages.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    Repeated error message from Firefox - when trying to install 1Password extension from the 1Password web site:

    Sorry for the difficulty, Denis!

    Please see the Cannot install extension article in the 1Password 4 for Windows knowledgebase for a workaround with which customers have reported success.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    Auto-Save is not coming up for most sites

    It looks like you were able to get the Firefox extension downloaded, after all, Denis.

    Is that correct?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    (I've merged your two threads, Denis, for simplicity.)

  • Denis A
    Denis A
    Community Member

    Okay - So - thanks for the help - I was able to download the Firefox extension and the Chrome method on the above link didn't seem exactly translatable to Firefox (that I could tell), but I was able to go to Add-Ons Manager in Firefox, and use the function in the Settings drop down for "Install Add-On From File" and it installed it but then the extension would not run and gave me the error message that it could not find the 1Password Helper and that the 1Password Helper is necessary for the extension to run. So maybe that is the reason I am also no longer getting any pop ups in IE that maybe that intermediate 1Password Helper app has somehow been damaged and is not running. What is that and how can I fix that to make it run?

  • Denis A
    Denis A
    Community Member

    Okay - so I found the other discussion about the Firefox extension not being able to find 1Password Helper; installed the RequestPolicy plug-in, added to the whitelist. No luck with getting extension to run and have pop ups show up when putting in passwords. Uninstalled the 1Password extension completely and reinstalled it - didn't get the error messages I go the first time and still I cannot get the extensions to work in either Firefox or in IE. The first time I installed 1Password it did originally work and then something happened and both the extensions quit working. Now, even the Ctrl + \ command will no bring up 1Password. It's like the extensions are not communicating with 1Password at all. I even uninstalled 1Password completely, rebooted, reinstalled it again - did everything from scratch - and nothing. It just will not communicate with the browsers - either IE or Firefrox.

  • Denis A
    Denis A
    Community Member

    Final comment for the day - In Firefox at least - Found from the forums how to restart the helper app and was then able to be some communication betwen Firefox and 1Password. Once I got the pop up to come up asking me to save a new password and also once or twice I was able to get it to give me the option to fill in log in blanks on a log in screen when I pressed "Ctrl + \". In IE I was also able to get the menu to show up via the button on the toolbar, so I could confirm that Auto-Save was turned on, but Auto-Save is not working. So the menu is interacting with 1 Password, but 1Password is not interacting with the IE windows at all. Also, I just now once again got the extension error message that the Firefox extension could not find the Helper application and this was after finding out how to restart the Helper app from within 1Password and while having whitelisted within the RequestPolicy plug-in. So - guess I will go back to the drawing board - and delete everything - even the 1Password database and all registry entries to date just to get rid of all files and reinstall from scratch to see if I can get rid of whatever is corrupting the installation.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    As noted in the About the helper article in the 1Password 4 for Windows knowledgebase, you can restart the 1Password helper from the Help menu in the main 1Password program.

    The RequestPolicy is definitely nothing you need, in order to install or run 1Password! :/ The documentation mentions it only in a troubleshooting article in the knowledgebase, describing how one customer reported how to configure RequestPolicy so it didn't adversely affect the 1Password extension.

    The lack of response to Ctrl+\ is addressed in this article in the 1Password 4 for Windows knowledgebase.

    1Password's ability to automatically detect submission of a login form and offer to save a Login item is affected by the vagaries of web site coding practices. If you can provide the URLs of a couple of sites where IE or another browser fails to behave correctly in that respect, we'll take a look, to see whether we can figure out why.

    Thanks for the follow-ups, Denis!

  • Denis A
    Denis A
    Community Member

    Okay - per your request - here are the sites that are causing any sort of trouble right now.

    I did uninstall and re-install everything, including the extensions reinstalled, and started out with a new, empty database and seemed to correct most problems. On opening IE it recognized the 1Password extension was there and asked if I wanted to let it run – said yes. Firefox extension just worked when I logged into my Gmail/Google account to get to here - so things are looking better . . . but here are the pages that are not responding to the extension(s) in some manner.

    Note: I consider my problem solved – I am giving this follow up to you to help in development and debugging as something still seems a bit buggy in IE – but I’ve got easy enough work arounds that make this manageable for me at this point.

    NetDocuments Login – in IE: ** - **Auto Save pop up did not work on first log in. I then manually created an entry in the 1Password database. When I opened the page again – autofill did not work. Went back, made sure Auto-Type in web-browser was turned on – tried again, and it still did not autofill on going to this page. Finally, I tried the Ctrl + \ command and this worked, - the username and password fields were filled in and the system logged me in.

    NetDocuments Login in Firefox: - Same URL as above – Auto Save pop up DID work in Firefox – so apparently the failure of it to come up in IE has something to do with the IE extension. The NetDocuments site and applications makes extensive use of Active X controls when running from IE – so that may be a clue as to one possible source of the problem. Auto-Fill/Auto-Type did NOT work when going to this page in Firefox or IE – also still had to use the Ctrl + \ command to activate 1P4 to log in.

    Clio Practice Management System Behavior same as NetDocuments above – In IE no Auto Save pop up; in Firefox there was a Auto Save pop up; and in both browsers, once an entry existed in the 1Password database, use of Ctrl + \ will trigger the autofill and log in.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    Thanks for the feedback, Denis!

    Please note that, when the 1Password extension fails to offer to save a Login for you, the first thing to try is saving a Login manually using the extension. Creating a Login in the main 1Password program should be a last resort, because the main 1Password program has no way of recording actual form field names—it can only store username and password values and "hope" the extension can match them to form fields, later. That's why 1Password displays that message when you start to create a Login in the main program.

    When you say, "I opened the page again – autofill did not work," do you mean you opened the URL in your browser and expected 1Password to fill the form with your saved credentials? If so, please note that you need to indicate your desire for 1Password to do that. You can either use the extension's "go & fill" functionality or open the URL from within the main 1Password program. (Note that this latter method—opening the URL from within the main program—should include filling the form, in a future release.)

  • Denis A
    Denis A
    Community Member

    When I said "autofill did not work" I mean that using Ctrl + \ command did not cause the log in credentials to be filled in. I have not had an instance where clicking on the URL from within the main 1Password program did not work. I was not aware of the intermediate method you have now pointed out of using the extension to save a page's login info using the extension manually. I will try that going forward. Thanks for all your help! With this, I'm going ahead with buying my license for Windows to add to the Mac license I already purchased for my Mac OSX laptop and my iOS licenses. I think all my questions have been addressed at this point!

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    That’s great news, Denis—thanks so much for your interest in 1Password!

This discussion has been closed.