1Password 5 for Windows?

Community Member
edited January 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

When will the Windows version catch up to the Mac version? The UI for Windows 1PW 4.1 is so different from how 1PW 5 on Mac looks and behaves... like two different apps by different companies even.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    1Password 5 for Mac got a UI update to more closely adhere to changes between Mavericks and Yosemite. 1Password 4 for Windows, which needs to work in Windows 7 and 8, didn't need as much of an update to its UI.

    It contains nearly all the features of 1Password 5 for Mac, though, and a few of its own!

    Most important, your 1Password data is fully compatible with the latest releases of both the Mac and Windows versions of 1Password.

  • Teaman
    Community Member

    Thanks for the response.
    Having most of the same features in Windows version may be true but the methodology of using those features is rather different. I realize that Windows and the versions you support plays a big part in what you can/can't do with the UI and limits in probably multiple ways. I just want to state that the Windows 1PW v4 is still clunky and awkward in places to use. The Mac version has improved workflow and ease of use way beyond the Windows version, IMHO. Just hoping that if it's possible, those changes can be striven toward as goals.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Like beauty, "clunky and awkward" are opinions. We appreciate hearing yours, but there's no way we can satisfy all the thousands of people using 1Password on Windows alone, much less those who also use it on their Macs, iPhones, iPads, and the rainbow of Android devices and WindowsPhones in the world.

    That said, a more parallel experience on all the platforms is already on our list of requested features and constantly on our minds. Thanks again for letting us know it's important to you, too!

  • Teaman
    Community Member

    I don't think it is just my opinion as I am sure other users would agree. In fact your own company obviously agrees otherwise they would not have made the Mac version 5 into what it is. But you got my point. I'm glad to know that a parallel experience for all platforms is on the list of features. Thanks!

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2015

    Indeed, other uses do agree...and other users disagree. Lots of people have lots of opinions, which is the point I was trying to make.

    Again, the UI changes in 1Password 5 for Mac were almost entirely to make the UI conform to Yosemite, which introduced new standards. They're so new, in fact, that you can't run 1Password 5 for Mac without first installing Yosemite—I still use 1Password 4 for Mac, because I still run Mavericks on my MacBook Pro. 1Password 5 for Mac doesn't need to "fit" different versions of OS X, much less hardware from dozens of different manufacturers.

    1Password for Windows has to run on two very different-looking versions of Windows (and we still have people using it on XP, Vista, and the WINE emulator for Linux, though we don't support it on any of those platforms) running on computers with all kinds of "enhancements" to the basis operating system.

    Windows and OS X are just different environments, and we work hard to make 1Password fit everywhere our customers want to use it.

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