Mac / iOS sync error message

Community Member

Hi, 1Password people!
First of all, great product - thank you. One question, though - my iPad syncs beautifully with my MacBook Pro with wi-fi sync (not a fan of clouds), but my iPhone refuses to do so. I get an error message thus;

Domain=com.agilebits.onepassword.ErrorDomain Code=7008 "Invalid request, bad timestamp drift: 46757 for request ‘auth’” UserInfo=0x1779c6c (NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid request, bad timestamp drift: 46757 for request ‘auth’)

Any ideas? Thanks for your help.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dgm88keys,

    I'm sorry you're having some trouble with Wi-Fi sync on your iPhone!

    The "bad timestamp drift" is an error that can occur when the difference between the current time and the time on the Wi-Fi Sync payload differs by 300 seconds or more. Please check to make sure both the iPhone and the Mac have the same time under Date & Time settings. Also, check to make sure they're in the same timezone.

    Please let us know how it goes, and if it's still a problem, we'll take it from there. Thanks!

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