Masterpassword dont work more on Windows Clients, but OS X Clients

Community Member
edited January 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows


We have 2 windows clients and about 10 OS X clients. All use same vault on a local synched owncloud folder.

This works fine since about 2 months.

Now since last Friday, day 23 of January, the master password dont work more on both windows clients. yesterday i uninstalled both 1password and owncloud client, deleted the local folder and restart, but no chance. same with the normal version and the beta.

and as i said, all mac clients can enter with the same master password without any problem

Any idea ? a good thing to have all logins in one place, as long you have access to them :wink:


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    I'm afraid I don't know anything about owncloud, @dachcom‌. The tested and supported sync methods are documented in the Syncing your 1Password data article in the 1Password 4 for Windows user's guide.

    That said, it sounds like your sync tool might be mangling or even failing to sync some of the files needed for 1Password to be able to unlock the vault...unless, of course, you're no longer opening the same vault as you're using on your Macs. That would be easy to confirm by looking at the path and filename listed in the Sync preferences in 1Password on each Mac and on the General tab of preferences in 1Password on each PC.

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