Firefox extension problem with filling

This discussion was created from comments split from: [Firefox Extension] Auto-fill doesn't pick up active site on first go.


  • kop48
    Community Member

    I am waiting for it to load fully. This is particularly pertinent when the page you're trying to fill is a popup window. It takes about three goes to get 1P to recognise it and fill the items.

    The inverse happens when you have Gmail chat windows popped out and you're trying to fill in the contents of another tab - 1P refuses to fill in anything because it keeps thinking that you want to fill in a Google login.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kop48,

    As I mentioned when I replied to your original message, we'll need to know some more details about your setup, since I'm unable to reproduce this problem:

    • What version of 1Password are you using on Mac and Windows
    • What version of the extension is installed in Firefox on Mac and Windows?
    • What version of Firefox are you using?
    • What are the exact steps you take to reproduce the problem?
    • Have you tried other browsers, and if so, does the same problem happen in other browsers?


  • kop48
    Community Member

    Is there a quicker way to run a diagnostic tool to get you this information? I feel like I'm gathering this every time I want to report an issue. I'm happy to file bugs, but it would be nice if there was an easier way to do so.

  • kop48
    Community Member
    • What version of 1Password are you using on Mac and Windows (Windows)

    • What version of the extension is installed in Firefox on Mac and Windows?
      4.2.5 (Windows)

    • What version of Firefox are you using?
      Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0

    • What are the exact steps you take to reproduce the problem?
      Open Gmail, start a chat, pop out chat. Switch to another tab, try to login, 1Password shows results for

    • Have you tried other browsers, and if so, does the same problem happen in other browsers?
      I have not.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kop48,

    Thank you for the details. It sounds like this problem is happening on Windows, so I've moved this discussion to our Windows forums.

    The latest release version of Firefox is currently version 35, but I notice you're using Firefox 36, which is currently a nightly build. You should try installing the latest beta version of the 1Password extension to see if that helps. To install the beta extension:

    After the beta extension is installed, restart Firefox. Does that help, or does the same problem happen?

  • kop48
    Community Member

    36 is not in the Nightly channel, it's a Beta release. Nightly is currently on 38.

    I'll try the beta extension, but this has been happening for a while, so I strongly doubt that it's an issue with beta/mainline mismatch.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @kop48 Can you send me consistent, reproducible steps? I would love to reproduce and fix the problem you're having. Thanks!

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2015

    Note, too, @kop48, that 1Password is tested with stable-channel builds of the browsers, not betas, nightlies, or other experimental channels, though we always appreciate a "heads-up" when someone finds an incompatibility with one of the experimental channels.

  • kop48
    Community Member
    edited February 2015

    @DBrown I understand, but then what is the point of running a 1Password Beta program, if not to catch these issues before other customers hit them. You have a dedicated set of customers who subject themselves to the potential instability of a beta program in order to help improve a product that they use, love and recommend to other people. Unfortunately, I get the feeling that these customers are continuously told that they're stepping out of the walled garden - thereby putting a damper on the whole process. It would be better if there were better tools for reporting issues with more detailed technical information that helped shortcut these same questions every time.

    I appreciate what you're saying, but please help us help you. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not complaining because I hate the product - I'm speaking up because I LOVE it, and I want to make it better.

  • kop48
    Community Member
    edited February 2015

    @svondutch I posted it above already:

    What are the exact steps you take to reproduce the problem?
    Open Gmail, start a chat, pop out chat. Switch to another tab, try to login, 1Password shows results for

    I'm happy to reply with further details if you need - you have my email address already.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    what is the point of running a 1Password Beta program, if not to catch these issues before other customers hit them

    It's to find issues with beta builds of 1Password, of course. That's the same reason Mozilla has a Firefox beta program: to find issues with beta builds of Firefox.

    It's not a matter of not wanting to know—as I wrote, we do appreciate the "heads-up"—but it would be impossible for us to make sure 1Password releases (not to mention beta builds) work with every pre-release version of every browser on every preview version of Windows, not to mention OS X, iOS, and Android. There just aren't enough of us. :)

    I hope that makes more sense than my earlier reply. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this issue and for helping with the 1Password beta program!

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2015

    Open Gmail, start a chat, pop out chat. Switch to another tab, try to login, 1Password shows results for

    @kop48 Here are my steps:

    1. Start Firefox 35 (running 1Password 4.2.5)
    2. Navigate to
    3. Click on the 1Password button
    4. Unlock
    5. Click on my Login item (at the top of the 1Password popup menu)
    6. Click on a contact in the lower-left corner; chat appears in the lower-right corner
    7. Click on the button labelled "Pop-out"; popup window appears
    8. Click on the Firefox window, then press Ctrl+T (New Tab)
    9. Navigate to
    10. Click on the 1Password button

    Result: My Login item appears at the top of the 1Password popup menu.

    Am I missing an important step maybe? Thanks!

  • kop48
    Community Member

    @svondutch I just tried the same thing and also couldn't repro it in a new Private Browsing window... Weird.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Might the difference be that you're using Firefox 35, as in @svondutch's steps, @kop48, or are you still running the beta-channel builds?

  • kop48
    Community Member

    I opened a Private Browsing window in the very same version of Firefox that I run. I couldn't repro it.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks, @kop48. I was wondering whether that very same version of Firefox that you run is, in the case of not reproducing the error, on the stable channel or the beta channel.

  • kop48
    Community Member

    It's the Beta channel. Something that might helps us not chase our tails is grabbing logs or debugging the plugin or browser. Given that the latter is quite arduous, is there a way to enable logging in the plugin so that I could capture a trace when it does go wrong?

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    is there a way to enable logging in the plugin so that I could capture a trace when it does go wrong?

    The agent/helper log is included with the DR: Help > Diagnostics Report > Export to File...

This discussion has been closed.