Shared use of 1Password with two iCloud accounts

Community Member

Hi - my wife and I have separate iCloud accounts. As I understand it a single licence purchased from the App Store will enable us to share use of 1 Password on our Apple devices via syncing with iCloud - we have an iMac, Mac Air, an iPad each and an iPhone each. How does that work if we currently operate separate iCloud accounts?



  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited February 2015

    Two questions: Was your purchase from the Mac App Store? You must do so if you want to use iCloud for syncing. And, if you did do that, have you set up Family Sharing with Apple? If you have, both of you can download 1Password when only one of you purchased a license. Then you can use it completely independently, including syncing to your separate iCloud accounts.

    Apple, it's wisdom, did not make Family sharing available for in-app purchases for iOS applications, so if you both want the advanced Pro features on your iOS devices and want to use separate Apple IDs, you'll each have to buy the Pro features separately.

  • CJSMelb
    Community Member

    Thanks. I will be purchasing from the Mac Apple Store (trial ver only at the moment). And we do have Family Sharing set up so I can see how a single licence would ensure we would both then have a copy. I had sort of envisaged a singe shared database of passwords accessed from the separate iCloud accounts. But operating separately as you suggest would not be a problem either. At this stage not that interested in the Pro Features but will deal with that separately if necessary.


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    You won't be able to share iCloud synced data between two separate iCloud accounts. If you want to share, you're going to need to use Dropbox as your cloud solution.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @CJSMelb ,

    I see that Hawkmoth has been giving you some pretty great advice here already, please let me know if you have any remaining questions!

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