Lost Data Contents in 1Password for Windows - How to Recover

Hello, I am running Windows 8.1 PRO and have 1Password for Windows PRO installed on it. I have been using the product for at least 3 years and have grown to really depend on it. I use Dropbox to backup my data to SYNC to both IOS (iphone 6 & iPad 2) devices and a Windows 8 phone. Recently I noticed that though the entries are listed all of the data is missing (e.g. URLs, passwords, phone numbers, account numbers, etc) I have been having trouble with my computer and believe something may have gotten moved or deleted by mistake. I do have several backups (to a cloud account) and all I need to know is what file/folders to recover and where should they be in Dropbox by defaults. Can you tell me specifically what files I need to recover and provide an example of the file/folder structure. I know I have the data somewhere, I just need to know exactly what goes where.


Jose L. Trevino


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2015

    Unless you've disabled automatic backups, Jose, you can restore from a backup in 1Password, working your way back until you find a backup that contains your complete data.

    I'm curious to know on which devices the Login items have lost their contents, though. Do they look complete in 1Password on any of your devices?

    Also, which version of 1Password are you using on each device, and what version of each operating system are you using?


  • trevinoj
    Community Member

    It appears as if the Windows 8.1 Pro laptop is missing the contents which stands to reason because of the system crashes I've experienced. However, it is important that I fix it because 99% of my 1Password entries originate from this device. I am afraid that if SYNC my laptop to my IOS devices, it will overwrite the good data on them with the "blank" contents on the PC. I always run the latest version of 1Password PRO on my IOS DEVICES & Windows 8.1 PRO Laptop. I actually have a fairly current database on the device I am using now (a few days old which can easily be updated). What I want to do is delete the Dropbox 1Password folder on my laptop Windows 8.1PRO and restore THIS current backup on my phone to the computer to start fresh. I'll admit I messed around with the 1Password folder in Dropbox\apps\1Password which is why I needed the correct UNC path structure.

    I appreciate the quick response, thanks

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    There's no such thing as "1Password PRO" for Windows, @trevinoj, so I'm not sure which version you're running.

    Could you please launch the main 1Password program, choose Help > About 1Password for Windows, and let us know the full version number that's reported in the "about" box?

    As for "messing around" with the folder, that definitely explains what's gone wrong. It's pretty much never a good idea to directly manipulate the contents of a .agilekeychain folder. :/

    Assuming that your 1Password data is complete on your iPhone, please follow these steps:

    A. On your laptop...

    1. In 1Password for Windows, press Ctrl+P, select the General tab, and note the full path and filename in the 1Password Vault field.
    2. Completely exit 1Password for Windows and all open browsers.
    3. Click on the Dropbox icon in the system tray (Windows notification area), and "pause" syncing.
    4. In Windows Explorer, locate the .agilekeychain folder you noted in step 1.
    5. Move that .agilekeychain folder to the Recycle Bin.

    B. On your iPhone...

    1. In 1Password for iOS, tap Settings > Sync > Sync Service, Disable Sync, and let 1Password remove your data from your iPhone.
    2. On that Settings > Sync > Sync Service tab, choose Dropbox, and follow the instructions to establish the connection to your Dropbox account.
    3. Wait for 1Password to save a copy of your 1Password data to your Dropbox folder, and for it to be copied automatically to your private dropbox.com web site.

    C. On your laptop...

    1. On your PC, resume Dropbox syncing, and wait for Dropbox to finish copying your data down from your private dropbox.com web site.
    2. Launch 1Password for Windows, choose File > Open 1Password Vault, and locate and select this folder:

    D. On each of your other iOS devices...

    • Make sure you're syncing to the same .agilekeychain folder as on your iPhone and PC.

    Please let us know how it goes.

  • trevinoj
    Community Member

    Hello dBrown: I have an Alienware 17 laptop running v4.1.0.538 of 1Password. My Apple iPhone 6 Plus is running v5.2 and my Apple iPad 1 is running v5.2
    I also have a a Nokia 1020 phone running Windows 8 which has 1 Password Beta v1.5.06
    I followed your instructions verbatim but not everything went smoothly like I'd hoped. Nonetheless, when I press CNTRL P on the laptop (Alienware) here is the path for the file(s): C:\Users\Jose L. Trevino\Dropbox\Apps\1Password\1Password.agilekeychain.

    I followed your instructions and eventually got a vault mismatch error message but I elected to merge them (though not recommended). Even after moving the .agilekeychainfolder to the recycle bin like you instructed,(e.g. no web browsers, etc.) and only the iphone data (sync stopped) I kept getting the error message.

    After merging the data and then performing a Wi-Fi SYNC between my Alienware 17 laptop and iPhone 6+ I know have them matched up. I have since then reverted back to the Dropbox sync method. My only concern now is that whenever I launch 1Password on my laptop the dialog box says "your 1Password2 vault is locked" before I enter my credentials. That leads me to believe the program is using 2 vaults whereas this is the only vault I want to use now because it contains most of the information I had been missing. How do I fix that? Is there anyway I can talk to someone (e.g. support number). Please advise?

    Be advised, the only reason I started "messing" around with the above-mentioned folder is because of the random system crashed on my machine which eventually led to some file corruption and registry issues. In any case, I am focusing on just getting the data on my alienware 17 and iphone 6 plus straigtened out first and then I'll move on to the iPad and windows phone.



  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    What steps are you taking that cause you to see the "your 1Password2 vault is locked" message?

  • trevinoj
    Community Member

    Dbrown: I how have all my data synced properly between my Windows 8.1 PRO Alienware 17 laptop and my iPhone 6 plus. However, when I try to SYNC I get this message "VAULT MISMATCH" It appears that the data in the Primary vault is different from the vault you selected in Dropbox. We recommend that you do not merge these vaults.

    When I click MORE INFO I have this: Your Vault and Dropbox Vault, they both match 100%. In Dropbox this is the path I am using. Apps/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain. I checked that path and I find the following subfolders under the 1Password.agilekeychain folder - A, Config, and Data and about 13 files. The root of the Dropbox folder also has a .ws.agile.1Password.settings file and a dropbox cache folder. Moreover, I launched 1Password for Windows and looked at the path for the vault I am using which is "C:\Users\Jose L.Trevino\Dropbox\Apps\1Password\1Password.agilekeychain. So as far as I can see, I am using the correct vault, what could the issue be? At the moment, both the iphone 6 and the Windows 8.1 PRO laptop are using the 1Password vault which contains 376 entries, 100% similar. However, on my iphone 6 plus I show I have two Vaults: Primary and 1Password. I am given the option to delete the 1Password one (which I don't want to do because that is the current one. The other vault, (PRIMARY) has 373 entries and I am NOT given the option to delete it on my iPhone. If I could do that I think I could be squared away. Any thoughts on how I can get rid of the PRMARY vault on my iphone 6+ so that the only vault that remains is the 1Password vault which is the right one?


    Almost there.

  • Hi @trevinoj,

    If I'm reading this correctly currently everything is good on the Windows laptop. That's probably the most important thing. Here's what I recommend:

    1. Go into Settings > Advanced on the iOS device and tap "Create Backup"
    2. This will make a backup file available to you via iTunes' File Sharing capabilities. Copy the file out of there, this way we'll be confident that if anything happens we'll be safe to go back to that backup. Do not continue to further steps until you've done this.
    3. On the iOS device, go to Settings > Advanced, and tap "Erase Data and Settings". This will erase all data in the app. It's in the backup, that we've stored on a desktop. This will reset the iOS device's database to its initial empty state.
    4. Re-launch 1Password for iOS. It'll treat you like a new user.
    5. Tell it you want to setup an existing vault, and go select it from Dropbox.

    You should be all set.

    In the event that this did NOT work, and you want to restore the backup:

    1. Go to iTunes File Sharing, and add the backup file we extracted from there back into the app.
    2. Restart 1Password for iOS, and go to Settings > Advanced, and "Restore from Backup" should be enabled. Tap this button.
    3. Relaunch 1Password for iOS, and it should have all of your old data.

    The "Merge Vault" window can come up on iOS when the vaults match 100% if it detects that it's a different password used on both vaults, or for a couple other reasons. It's a little eager, really.

    I hope this helps.


  • trevinoj
    Community Member

    Hello, good news! Finally, got everything back up and running properly. I've also learned a few tricks along the way and have a better understanding of how the SYNC process works & the Dropbox file structuring in regards to 1Password. I appreciate the help, we're good now@!


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    That’s great news, @trevinoj—thanks for letting us know!

This discussion has been closed.