Need your help my dad passed away. can't access files

Hey guys,
unfortunately my dad passed away unexpectedly and he had this program on his computer and iPhone, he had some very important files I need to access but this vault keeps coming up. My mom and I do not know the password but we can log in online to the support where it has all his information.
is there a way for me to get access to these files somehow? Or is the only way to try and re enter a ton of passwords hoping we get it right at some point?

I'm so lost because I have no clue what to do.

when we log in online it says "change password" and gives like a 30 random digit code, what does that password change do? Where do I input the random digits to?
thanks in advance for any advice, we really need to access these files :(



  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Sorry for your loss. Unfortunately you can't gain access to the data in his vault without the password.

    My mom and I do not know the password but we can log in online to the support where it has all his information.

    Not sure what you meant with this. If you're referring to this forum then that won't help you. 1Password is not an online service where Agilebits can reset your password to let you access your data. The username and password for this forum guards nothing more than this forum.

    The data stored in 1Password is encrypted using a master password and is stored locally on your PC. This data can only be accessed by decrypting it, which requires the master password. Agilebits never have access to this password, nor can they change it.

    The recommendation is that you write down your master password and Dropbox password and store it somewhere secure (like a safe) so that your loved ones can access it if necessary. Could your Dad have done this? I'm afraid that this is your only hope of accessing his vault.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2015

    Hi @kevinsdroid1,

    I am sorry to say RichardPayne is quite correct, one of the reasons many of us respect 1Password is because the vault is completely in our (the users) control. My vault doesn't ever leave my devices but that means it is my responsibility to ensure it is backed up and that I never lose access.

    The best we can do when users say they have problems remembering their Master Password is point them towards our Forgotten master password page which is merely a collection of suggestions.

    At a quick glance I didn't see Master Password hint mentioned in the windows version of that page so I'll include that text below.

    Check to see that the password hint is accurate

    1Password will show your password hint automatically after every three incorrect login attempts. Check to make sure that your hint is the same one you remember choosing when you created this vault. If you see a different hint from the one you expect, it’s possible that you are unintentionally trying to log into a different vault file (with a different password).

    I'm not as experienced with Windows as I am with Mac so I believe you can find this hint if you inspect the following file:


    The password hint may help depending on what your father chose as his Master Password. If he went for a very secure Master Password that only he might remember opposed to something common to the family then sadly your chances are very remote.

    You mention a change password page with a 30 random digit code, could you point us towards this page please (as in the URL). I am curious to see the page in question.

    We are all sorry for your loss here at AgileBits and for the additional stress you are experiencing due to vital information being locked away. This is always a rough period without additional hurdles and I apologise that there is nothing we can directly do to assist.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @kevinsdroid1, I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my parents only 16 months apart, and it's very hard.

    As others have explained, we have no way of "resetting" your master password or sending it to you.

    @littlebobbytables: 1Password for Windows doesn't allow you to create or see a hint, which is why it's not mentioned in the documentation.

  • kevinsdroid1
    Community Member

    Thanks for the responses guys.

    yeah agile support costumer center is where it gives me a new password with a bunch of random digits. On the page that shows his registered licenses

  • kevinsdroid1
    Community Member

    What's the criteria for creating a master password? Just so I know what to try and not try?
    ie. One cap letter, one symbol, etc

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    No criteria @kevinsdroid1. Choice of master password is entirely up to the use. You can create a master password of "1" at the insecure end up to an effectively unlimited number of characters.

    The only limitation is that it can not be blank.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kevinsdroid1,

    Again, RichardPayne is quite right. I've always hated sites that have these restrictions with a passion. Every restriction you place on the passwords allowed only has one impact, to lower the search space. Unfortunately for you, unless your father chose a Master Password that was meaningful to him and related to something commonly known between himself and his immediate family your chances are remote.

    I would assume you might have already tried any commonly used passwords that you might be aware of. After that the probability of stumbling on the Master Password is, I'm afraid to say, very slim. I do apologise we couldn't offer a more positive answer.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @kevinsdroid1: I don't know of any web page where you can get a new master password for your dad's 1Password vault. The only thing I can picture is the page on which you can create a password for his AgileBits account in the Customer Center:

    To be clear, that page cannot give you access to his 1Password data, which resides only on the machine where 1Password is installed (and on his private web site, if he was using Dropbox to sync his 1Password data to other devices).

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