1PW Access for Assistant


Newbie needs direction-
1Password working great for me... but my assistant (secretary) asked if she may use my computer to do some work I've requested. The work involves accessing several online accounts that are password protected.
Can I (somehow) provide her with access to my 1Password as a "second user" with:
1. a unique password for access
2. a subset of my pw collection?

Hope I didn't overlook this, but did not see this feature outlined in a search.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    No, @FirstQuadrantOn1PW, anyone who has access to your 1Password vault has full access to your 1Password vault.

    The solution is to create a second vault, move any Login items you want your assistant to be able to use to that vault, share that vault with her, and tell her the master password for that vault. Be aware, though, that she'll have full access—equivalent to your access—to the information in that second shared vault.

    Please see the 1Password 4 for Windows user's guide for details on copying items and sharing vaults; then let us know if you have any questions.

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