Fill in inactive tab



I have noticed that the 1Password 4 extension can not login / fill login details in inactive tab while the 1Password extension could.
Steps to recreate:
1. Select login to goto and fill.
2. Before the page (let's call it tab1) loads completely, navigate away to another tab (tab2).
3. Give tab1 some time to ensure it has loaded completely and hope 1Password has filled in details. Navigate back to tab1.
4. Find out 1Password 4 has done nothing. With the exact same steps, 1Password 1 would have logged you in.

Also, even though this has been said before: 1Password 1 extension allows you to login by selecting a login in the 1Password application (the extension properly cleans up the address the application appends and then logs in). v4 does not do this.

Keeping in mind v4 still doesn't allow editing logins within the extension, it seems it is a far better choice to use 1Password 4 with 1Password 1's extension.

I would gladly use v1's extension, except it doesn't honour "Keep me signed in" check-boxes (while v4 does) and because v1's popup takes longer to pop-up.

In the past couple of weeks, I have gotten impatient with the lack of addition of features (read bringing back features that existed in an OLDER version), uninstalled 1Password, tried some dozen odd password managers and come back to 1Password. My question to you is this: Why can't / When can we have an extension that includes the good parts of both these extensions?


  • 0rangutan
    Community Member

    Correction in the 1st line: I have noticed that the 1Password 4 extension can not login / fill login details in an inactive tab while the 1Password 1 extension could.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    I don't think I ever tried that in the older extensions, @0rangutan, so it's interesting to know that they worked that way. As I recall, the older extensions were much more finicky about URL syntax, so it's surprising to hear your perception that they "cleaned up the address" in any way.

    I can tell you that the 4.x extensions are more secure and that we're continually improving them, based in part on feedback from customers like you.

    Please let us know if the features you miss aren't yet mentioned in the list of requested features.

    Thank you for using 1Password!

  • 0rangutan
    Community Member

    By "cleaning up the address" I meant v1 could remove ?onepasswdfill=xxxx and fill in the login.

    I don't think the list you linked above mentions the ability to fill login details into an inactive tab. Seeing as how the older version supported it, and (among others) Dashlane and LastPass support it, I think it would be a good addition.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    the ability to fill login details into an inactive tab... the older version supported it

    Again, that's news to me. I don't know that it's possible with the new extension architecture, but I'll check with Dev. Thanks!

  • dteare
    edited February 2015

    Thank you for reporting these issues, 0rangutan.

    You're right, these two issues are new to the 1Password 4 extension. The problem cleaning up the onepasswd_fill parameter is something we hope we can fix very soon. @jxpx777 is working on this and with any luck we'll have it fixed in a beta within the next few weeks.

    As for filling non-active tabs, we need to investigate this more. We made some changes here in version 4 to avoid some other issues and loss this functionality as a result. We'll see what we can do.

    Thanks again for helping us improve 1Password!

  • 0rangutan
    Community Member

    Thank you for your responses.
    I am glad you are looking into these issues.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2015

    Thanks again for bringing them to our attention!

  • 0rangutan
    Community Member

    The latest beta 4.1.0.BETA-544 fixes the problem of cleaning up the onepasswd_fill parameter and logging in!
    Thank you for the fix.
    I apologize if I came across as ranting in my OP. I had just been through the ordeal of installing, uninstalling, importing and exporting data between some half a dozen password managers only to find out that 1Password (an older version to be more precise) works closest to the way I want my password manager to.
    Thank you for you work on the program and apologies again. :)

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    We understand, @0rangutan. No apology necessary.

    Thank you for choosing 1Password!

This discussion has been closed.