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Strength indicator inconsistent

Dr. Wingnut
Dr. Wingnut
Community Member
edited March 2015 in Mac

The strength indicator in the grid is not consistent with the strength indicator in the item as shown in the attached. Bug?


  • Dr. Wingnut
    Dr. Wingnut
    Community Member

    Sorry didn't mention versions... 1P: 5.1 (510027) Mac App Store

  • MikeT
    edited February 2015

    Hi @Dr. Wingnut,

    Does it happen for all items or just a few? If you edit the item, change nothing, and save it, does it update the strength in the top column?

  • Dr. Wingnut
    Dr. Wingnut
    Community Member

    Seems to be intermittent. I edited it and save it without changes and it did not change the table view strength indicator. I created a new record and copied the password to the new record and the strength indicator is working for the new record. Hate those intermittent bugs; they're really a pain to track down. I'll keep watching to see if it happens again; or if I can make it reproducible.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Dr.Wingnut,

    I hope you don't mind, there was a little more information in that screenshot than I thought you ideally would want to share so I've removed it given both MikeT and I have seen it now.

    Please do keep us informed. I'd be curious to know if this rendering issue persist if you force a redraw of the table view, say by selecting a different category and then returning. If it persists there does it also not update if you close 1Password completely using the ⌃⌘Q keyboard shortcut to quit both 1Password and 1Password mini. Given the intermittent behaviour and how tricky it is to replicate thank you of reporting anything you find as it can all help developers track down the bug.

  • Dr. Wingnut
    Dr. Wingnut
    Community Member

    I checked it again today, 2015-07-23 and only one of the items seems to be stuck V5.3, OS X 10.10.4. Just weird. The rest of the items in the vault seem to be tracking consistently from the grid to the item which certainly wasn't the case back in March.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for getting back to us on that, and for the new screenshot! It really helps us to understand what you're seeing on your end.

    I did a bit of digging, and it looks like this is part of an issue our developers are aware of. Apparently we've had trouble reproducing the same problem, so it's difficult to solve it, but I will add your information to our internal tracker in case it helps, and so they know you're also seeing that happen.

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience! We really do appreciate that you've taken the time to test this and let us know details about the issue. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to let us know! :)

    ref: OPM-2589

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