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Wi-Fi syncing between two Macs

Community Member


I see that it's possible to use Wi-Fi to keep a Mac and iOS device synced, but I'm looking to keep two Macs and an iOS device synced over Wi-Fi. Is this possible? My Mac Mini is setup as the Wi-Fi server, but I don't see any way to connect to it from my MacBook Pro.



  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Sorry, you can't currently use wifi sync to sync two Macs. There's a (not recommended and inelegant) kludge under which you use an iOS device as a bridge but it's tricky and I would not do it.


  • Hi @JohnZimmerman,

    Wi-Fi sync between computers is not yet supported, it is something we'd like to do in the future.

    What you can do is configure Folder Sync in 1Password and use your own sync tool to sync the folder. In other words, if you use something like ChronoSync, you can configure it to sync the folder between both Macs. You can find out more here:

  • skawad
    Community Member

    We have two macs in our house and bunch of iOS devices. It will be nice to be able to sync two macs and iOS devices with the same vault. Currently I am using dropbox for syncing between the 2 macs and iOS devices for the same vault. Hope you consider being able to do that using wifi sync instead with the upcoming revisions of the software. It will be a very useful feature to have. Love the software.

  • Thanks for the feedback, @skawad! I'll add your vote for this feature! :)

  • Wyzzer
    Community Member

    I have the same problem and am thinking of using ChronoSync. Once I install chronosync, how do I get past this screen?



  • Ben
    edited June 2015

    Hi @Wyzzer,

    Unfortunately we cannot provide support for unofficial 3rd party sync solutions such as syncing 1Password data via ChronoSync, but you may find this guide useful:

    In this case you would probably actually want to select that you are a new user, vs an existing user, to get started.



  • Wyzzer
    Community Member

    I understand that you can't support Chrono Sync, but my question was how to get past the 1Password screen I pasted into my last post. It sounds like I need to install 1Password on the new MacBook as a new user, and then use the sync solution to grab the password data from my iMac which is placed in a folder by ChronoSync for example.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Wyzzer: Correct: you'll need to have the same vault on each device, written to a local folder, which you can then sync between the computers using something like ChronoSync or Rsync.

    The important part is the local folder (not a network mount which may go offline), as 1Password will need your data to be available for it to read and write to it. I hope this helps! :)

  • Wyzzer
    Community Member

    Thanks. I'll try it and give you an update in the next few days.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    @Wyzzer, on behalf of brenty, you're very welcome! Hopefully it all goes well, but we're here for you if you have more questions about that. :)

  • Wyzzer
    Community Member

    OK. In the middle of it now. The MacBookPro has the 1Password installed as a new user. The iMac has my current / up to date 1Password. I have the instructions on how to use ChronoSync, and have tried to follow your instructions on syncing 1Password to a folder. I set up a folder via 1Password in Documents on my MacBook Pro that 1Password will sync the vault to. But... when I try to do same thing on the iMac, here's what comes up under 1Password / Preferences / Sync

    I already sync my iMac to my iOS devices, so a Wi-Fi server set up is in place. Can I sync to another folder in addition to the Wi-Fi folder? I thought, well, it's already syncing to a folder, so I looked for the RICK / Library / Application Support / 1Password path, and no joy. I have a LIBRARY folder on my hard drive, but not in my user folder (RICK).

    There is a Library folder on the hard drive, but the path beyond Application Support has no 1Password.



  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Wyzzer,

    Your second screenshot is displaying the system Library folder while what you're looking for is the user Library folder. I don't which specific version of OS X Apple decided to start hiding the folder but it is definitely hidden by default in Yosemite.

    One way round this is to use the Go to Folder... option in Finder. The keyboard shortcut for that is ⇧⌘G. It will open a small window and if you paste into there the following path ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/ it will take you to the location you're looking for.

    Oh and yes, you can use Folder Sync and Wi-Fi Sync at the same time, in fact it's exactly what you need to do to sync multiple Macs and iOS devices when you wish to avoid the use of a cloud service such as Dropbox.

    There is one important aspect to consider. Currently you are using your 1Password support folder as the location of your 1Password.agilekeychain. If you weren't careful when you set up ChronoSync it would be very easy to accidentally sync the entire 1Password folder instead. Now depending on how you are configuring all of this, if you had ChronSync pointing to ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/ on both the iMac and MacBookPro it could cause a lot of damage given the OnePassword.sqlite database file is in one of the subdirectories.

    You may want to create a 1Password folder somewhere else, maybe in your Documents folder for example and have 1Password use Folder Sync to there. That way you would know you are only syncing the .agilekeychain. It's just something to be aware of.

    Hopefully that gets things moving :smile:

  • Wyzzer
    Community Member

    So setting up a sync folder in documents is what I've already done on my MacBook Pro and was in the process of doing on the iMac when I encountered the Wi-Fi syncing dialogue box (first screen shot). The question I have is... How do I have the iMac sync to a folder in my documents. As I said, I've already done that on the MacBook Pro, so I know how to do it from a "blank slate", but the Wi-Fi sync dialogue doesn't seem to have a button to click to designate a folder sync operation separate and in addition to the Wi-Fi syncing that already being done.

    Thanks! :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Wyzzer: I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're asking, but I'll do my best to untie this knot for you!

    1Password can sync the same vault both using Wi-Fi and another method (Dropbox, iCloud, or Folder). In your screenshot, 1Password is syncing to Application Support using Folder Sync, and the Wi-Fi Sync server is also active. These settings are completely independent. This is possibly due to updating from an older version where you had your vault stored there.

    If you'd like to change the folder sync location, set "Also Sync Primary Vault with..." to "None", and then set up Folder Sync again to choose a new location for the database. The only difference between Folder Sync and a Dropbox Sync setup is that with the latter 1Password will check to make sure that Dropbox is running and determine the location to write to.

    I hope this helps. If I've completely misunderstood, just set me straight and I should be able to give you a proper answer! ;)

  • Wyzzer
    Community Member


    Thanks. littlebobbytables showed how to find the folder that 1Password is syncing to in my Folder Sync operation, but I wanted to make the ~/ Library visible so Chronosync can find it. I found this.

    I'll try later today to get this going, and let you all know.

    Thanks again for all your help! 8-)

  • Wyzzer
    Community Member

    I ran a trial sync with ChronoSync and here's the list of items to be sync'd from the iMac ~/LibraryApplication Support/1Password.

    Which file should I select as the one sync? There are 3105 files. Which one has the passwords? There are Backups, Diagnostics, Extensions, and Fill items below what can be seen in the screenshot list.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Wyzzer,

    You're probably quickest to deselect everything (hopefully there is such an option) and you're looking for a file bundle titled 1Password.agilekeychain - that's all you want to sync.

    Let us know if we can be of any more assistance.

  • Wyzzer
    Community Member

    Can't find the file in the Chronosync trial even though I can see the agilekeychain in finder. So.... should I change the Folder Sync option I currently have,

    as suggested above by brenty?... "If you'd like to change the folder sync location, set "Also Sync Primary Vault with..." to "None", and then set up Folder Sync again to choose a new location for the database." If that works, great. But what happens to that path that has been established for the folder sync I'm changing... ~/Library/Application Support/1Password? That's not necessary right? So I can delete those files? In other words that is just a folder sync file, not the actual files required to run 1Password on the iMac, right?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Wyzzer,

    You were a 1Password 3 user at some point in the past weren't you.

    When you moved from 1Password 3 to either 1Password 4 or 5, the newer version of 1Password checked the default location for 1Password data files, found them and set up syncing immediately with the existing .agilekeychain. What it meant was for the early adopters they could still use 1Password 3 if they wanted to and any changes made in 1Password 4 were synced to 1Password 3.

    As you can guess, the default location for you 1Password 3 1Password.agilekeychain file was ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/.

    So you can safely do as brenty recommends which is disable Folder sync and re-enable it for somewhere easier to work with.

    As for the entire ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/ folder, if you don't use 1Password 3 any more then that folder really isn't of much use to you. It may be you have some remnants left from your days as a 1Password 3 user. If you do and you wish to clean them up may I suggest the manual removal section of this page, Completely Uninstalling 1Password. Just follow the bits you can, if you find one part refers to a file or folder that isn't there you can simply skip that section on the assumption that it either never existed or that you removed already for some reason.

    That should help with the old 1Password 3 files and allow you to continue attempting to set up ChronoSync. Keep us posted :smile:

  • Wyzzer
    Community Member

    OK! Worked great. Took a few minutes for the sync between computers to happen and then 1Password alerted me that the data in the vaults didn't match (the null set and the data set from the iMac), so I merged them and wallah! In business.

    Thanks guys!

    littlebobbytales... are you sure that I can now delete the entire 1Password folder from ~/Library/Application Support/1Password on my iMac? That's not the vault that 1Password is currently using on my iMac, right? It's just orphaned data from a previous version?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Wyzzer,

    • 1Password 3 for Mac stores everything in ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/
    • 1Password 4/5 for Mac (AgileBits Store) stores everything in ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/
    • 1Password 4/5 (Mac App Store) stores everything in ~/Library/Containers/

    As your screenshot of 1Password's preferences doesn't show an Updates tab that tells me you're running the Mac App Store version. That means you don't even have to be careful about deleting just the 1Password folder and not the 1Password 4 one if you'd been an AgileBits Store user. So you're safe to delete ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/ :smile:

  • Wyzzer
    Community Member

    Awesome! Thanks to everyone... 8-)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Any time! Be sure to reach out if you have any other questions. We're always here to help! :)

This discussion has been closed.