syncro problem
I use 1Password on 2 Win8 maschines and one iPhone6. Since some days these 3 safes do not syncronisize. So I made a check and canged the Central Password on the first win8. Now the password changed even at the iPhpne - not on the other win8 maschine. I have to use the old password to open it. What is wrong? I have looked, on every 1password it save at dropbox in the same directory (ithink so)? Where can I start a syncro at the win8 Programm?? How I can find the mistake and wht will be with the now different passwords in the 3 programs? It would be bad to loose now some passwords ...
Sorry for my bad english!!
Reiterating what Brent said, we want to make sure this works for you.
Please let us know if we can help in any way :)0 -
Hi Brenty, :)
you have right - I using dropbox for sync.
I made the double-ckeck at my iPhone and my computer at home. (The other computer is in my office and sync now to the iphone.)
At my iPone it standing under Preferences: /1Password4/1Password.agilekeychain
In my computer at home there is: C:\Users\Gerhard\Dropbox\1Password4\1Password.agilekeychainOh - now I see the dropbox on my hoecomputer does not work perfkt :'( . I check and give you an feedback.
Now I am shure - this must be the problem ....Thank you for your help! :)
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Hi Brety 8-) ,
after reinstall of dropbox all works now :) !!!
I could see before the drobox symbol in tasklist - but it was no connection (but for me not seeable). This was the problem.
Now it syncronisate all - the new password is now on on my homecomputer and fantastic: the new things from my office are there and the things from my home computer are there! You have an perfekt Product! I used befor steganos - no compare!Thank for your help! :)
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Thanks brenty for helping out!
@gehard2001 Let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.