1Password needs to learn currency and location

Community Member

I am dismayed to find that 1Password seems to think that, while I live in Charlotte, NC, USA, I transact my business in Swiss Francs. On a recent purchase of a “Take Control” ebook I used 1Password to fill in my identity and credit card information. When I got my card statement, the charge had been increased by $ .54 which TidBits tells me was a currency conversion charge. Apparently this is happening regularly.

Please understand that I hold banks in low regard and therefore do not appreciate 1Password increasing their riches. Please create a fix for this problem ASAP and get it out to your customers ASAP.


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited March 2015

    I've never seen anything like that, unless a merchant is overseas. Are you sure this isn't a problem with the bank you hold in low esteem?

    Edit: The more I think about this, the more I can't see how 1Password could have anything to do with the currency used in a charge transaction. It simply subits the number a user has entered in a credit card record.

  • edmachen
    Community Member

    According to TidBits, this is a problem that was discovered last summer and has been prevalent. There were no foreign banks involved, just my Visa card and TidBits esellerate shopping cart. I was told the Agilebits was working on a fix, something to do with a 2 letter state abbreviation issue. You might want to do some in-house research on this...

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    sorry. I'm just a volunteer here. I'm sure someone from AgileBits will be along in due course.

  • edmachen
    Community Member

    No problem, I just want to get a solution (oxymoron?) I was surprised when Dave Teare directed me here for help when I wrote AgileBits support. Not sure how discussing the problem, beyond a description of it, gets it fixed. Is there a better way to get support? Please check https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/157533 starting on Aug 19, 2014 as background for this discussion.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2015

    Hi @edmachen,

    @hawkmoth is a kind volunteer who spends a lot of time helping users but like other users he can't access the bug tracker. I think the confusion has partly stemmed from the fact that we have somebody reporting Take Control Ebooks but unless you specifically visit and scour the site the connection to TidBITS Publishing Inc. isn't clear and googling the word tidbits is like searching for a drop in the ocean. The first time somebody mentioned tidbits I did ask if they could clarify but they never responded so I remained ignorant as to the link.

    Did you reply to a newsletter sent out by Dave? Certainly that would explain why you would be directed towards our support forums as I believe the system sends out an automated reply relating to that address. The forums do represent a genuine way of contacting us though. While we have great people like hawkmoth we make a point of checking every thread, even if it's just to say what somebody else has said is true or to discover they've completely solved the issue before we could get there. If for any reason the public forums don't represent the optimal way forward we can take the issue to email but we've been encouraging use of the forum over the last few months. The reason is we were struggling to reply in a timely fashion after the number of support requests was spiralling out of control after iOS 8 and Yosemite and this as helped us try and reach people faster which of course we want as do our users.

    Now back to the specific issue at hand. Can I ask, do you run our Agile Web Store (AWS) version or do you run the Mac App Store (MAS) one? The reason I ask is I've just tried 1Password 5.3.BETA-15 in conjunction with the beta 1Password browser extension (4.3.b10) in Firefox and it seemed to work as you would expect it to. I could change the currency selected and country of origin and submitting an identity would change the country of origin but leave the currency alone. Now it is still just in the beta at the moment. If you're interested though you could try the beta out. If you're running the AWS version of 1Password this is a pretty simple thing to do and you can easily revert to the stable version if need be. It's a little trickier though if you're a MAS user. If you were to try it we'd be interested to see if your findings mirror by testing just now.

    We still have a lot of work to do in the beta as this is a completely new filling logic. This is why it has taken a while I'm afraid. When it comes though I believe it will be worth the wait as so far I've been impressed of what the beta can do. We do need to ensure though that it's robust though otherwise we could be creating far worse problems for everybody.

    I cannot disagree with your sentiment regarding banks.

    ref: OPX-651

  • edmachen
    Community Member

    Hi littlebobbytables and thanks for fielding my issue. I sent my inquiry to dave_teare@agilebits.com because that is what I had in my directory. Don't know if that is a newsletter response address or not. I appreciate @hawkmoth's attempt to help, it's just that I am now bashing the heck out of a 54 cent overcharge and didn't intend to spend so much time on this...

    I am using the AWS version of 1Password (1Password 5, Version 5.1 (510035)) and the Safari extension 4.2.5. I am a big fan of 1P and this experience with Tidbits' esellerate shopping cart is the only one I can recall going awry. I don't buy a lot of TCO ebooks but I do recall the identity fields not filling properly in past attempts. This is the first time I have noticed a charge error and, in hindsight, my receipt page does clearly show CHF behind the price. I didn't notice at the time of order and since I wasn't expecting to see USD. In any case, I didn't recognize CHF as an acronym for Swiss Francs so I wouldn't have caught it anyway...

    Not sure I want to try the beta because I depend on 1P and a lot can go wrong if there is a bug. I will be more observant the next time I deal with esellerate but I do hope you have/can get the problem fixed. Like most folks, I don't like surprises, especially those that enrich the banks.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    @edmachen - Thanks for your forbearance. I've learned something today.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @edmachen,

    The source of that email address could have been a news letter yeah. Sorry about the confusion but at least you made it here so we could converse with you :smile:

    Your reason for not testing the beta is a good one - I fully understand that. Obviously we don't try to take risks with the integrity of the data held but a beta can mean we're ironing out bugs and we need to test those fixes. If you'd been feeling adventurous though I think the beta would have been something you'd be interested in.

    Just to explain a little more as to how this happened. Of the majority of the shopping sites I've personally used I've found it's rare to see the offer of the currency you're charged in - most simply go with the currency of where the company is based. So that factor, combined with the fact that the extension is guessing when it fills and the resulting error occurred. Now I do realise what it sounds like when I say guess so let me explain. At the level of the languages used everything is very much standardised, after all it's the only way browsers could work. Once you get past that level though everything starts getting hairy. Every site manages to do something different. So we have to create an algorithm that does its best to evaluate a page and guess what all the editable fields represent. Now we're constantly trying to improve on this guessing but given there will probably never be an agreed system for labelling fields it's really the only way to work it.

    So I think we're handing these rare cases a little better already in the beta and as I say, once it's released fingers crossed you'll never hear about Swiss Francs again (unless you decide to visit Switzerland of course).

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