1Password isn't showing the details for three items, looks fine on iOS but not on Windows

Community Member
edited April 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows


I believe that my vault was crippled. I sync my 1Password for Windows and IOS using Dropbox. As you can see from the screenshot, the first three logins are actually a paypal, XDA Developer, and bmc.com. But for unknown reasons, those three logins suddenly went blank. Compared to my 1Password in IOS, paypal, XDA Developer, and bmc.com are exist. Then I tried to delete bmc.com on my IOS, but it was not synced into my Windows. But if I added a new login from my IOS, it was synced to Windows successfully and vice versa.

Actually I am avoiding creating a new vault and copying all my existing vault entries one by one. It is tedious and cumbersome task. Is there any solution to repair my vault? I have tried "File > Replair 1Password Vault" but the problem still exists.

01.png 70.2K


  • firstyuyu
    Community Member

    Here is what happen when I exit 1Password and reopen it

    02.png 75.1K
    03.png 75.1K
  • firstyuyu
    Community Member
    edited April 2015

    On my IOS, those logins exist. Is my vault crippled or 1Password for Windows has a bug? Currently, i am afraid if I manipulate my vault (add/delete logins) using1Passowrd for Windows, the entire vault will be broken.

  • firstyuyu
    Community Member
    edited April 2015

    Around 9:53 PM I switched to my other vault. Then switch back to this crippled vault. I don't know why, but suddently my paypal and xda developer login were back (username dan password were not empty). Then I double clicked paypal login then clicked "Update Icon" button. But after the icon were successfully downloaded, suddenly the paypal login were duplicated and xda developer login went blank.

    This is very frustrating since I rely heavily on 1Password. I am afraid that suddenly all my logins will simply disappear.

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  • Hi @firstyuyu,

    That definitely doesn't look right, it looks as if the items can't be decrypted. First thing I suggest is backing up your 1Password data on your iOS device with this guide: https://support.1password.com/ios-itunes-backups/

    1Password already automatically backs up your data daily on the computers. In addition, you don't have to manually copy each item between vaults, you can do this easily by exporting everything from one vault and import it into a new vault but don't do this yet, let us look at this problem and figure this out for you, it might be a simple fix.

    Can you email us your diagnostic report, so we can analyze what's going on. Use this guide to generate a diagnostic report and email it to us, the address is listed in the guide. In addition, please include the thread link in the email and let us know here that you've sent it, so we can look for it.

  • firstyuyu
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT

    I follow this guide but when I clicked "Help > Diagnostics Report > Export to File" menu, nothing shown. I tried to restart my laptop but still the same. Nothing shown after clicking the menu.

    BTW, now my bmc.com also duplicated as well

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  • Hi @firstyuyu,

    If you switch to the other vault first, does that allow you to generate the report or it has no impact?

  • firstyuyu
    Community Member

    No. After switching to other vault then switch back to this vault, nothing were shown after clicking diagnostics report menu

  • HI @firstyuyu,

    Can you email us at support+forum@agilebits.com with this thread link, we'll look into something else to resolve this.

    Let us know when you sent the email, so we can look for it.

  • firstyuyu
    Community Member

    I have sent an email to you

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    @firstyuyu: Thank you for sending that. I just wanted to let you know that we've received your email and will continue troubleshooting there. We will be in touch shortly. :)

    ref: CZL-98124-773

    ref: OPW-249

  • firstyuyu
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty

    Any update on this issue?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @firstyuyu: I see that MikeT was able to reply to you via email, so we will continue the conversation there. Cheers! :)

  • Hi @firstyuyu,

    I haven't heard back from you. Did you ever get my reply? I replied on the same day as your email, so you should've gotten it a while ago. Please do check the spam folder if you didn't see my reply.

  • firstyuyu
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT,

    Sorry, just realized that your email entered my spam folder. I will do what you asked and reply your email.

  • Cool, thanks!

This discussion has been closed.