HTML 5 email fields [It is supported for filling]

Community Member
edited April 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I would like to have support for email fields (as described here). For now it works using unknown, but Save New Login fails to recognize this sometimes (Tried with

I found a discussion about this issue from 2010 at here but the support seems to be missing.

You may a find a picture with cleaner details here


  • MikeT
    edited April 2015

    Hi @pcastellazzi,

    We do support it via the extensions but we haven't updated the application to include the email type as the designation type yet, it should still default to text though.

    Can you tell me how this item was saved and in which browser?

    When I tried to create a fake item on, it is saved like this:

    It set the field type to text, not unknown. If you can tell us how you reproduced the unknown type, we can try to fix it from happening again. Unknown usually means really something exotic that 1Password can't figure out what it is.

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