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1Password on two seperate Mac's with Two Separate Apple ID's - CEO, and Assistant access

Community Member

Hi there,

Having trouble setting up a system between to different macs using two different Apple ID's... I'd rather not have the assistant using the CEO's apple ID to use his 1Password.

Any advice here would be greatly appreciated... with a step tutorial.

Thank you !


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Evon,

    I take it we're looking for the ability to sync a vault. If you are can I recommend Dropbox as an alternative. There isn't a way to share a vault between two iCloud accounts because there isn't the ability to share at all with iCloud. Even if Apple were to slightly open up iCloud Drive I would suspect it won't apply to CloudKit data which is the framework used in iCloud Sync.

    Dropbox on the other hand allows you to either share a single Dropbox account or even share a folder between two or more Dropbox accounts (How do I share a file or folder with others?). It sounds like that would be a lot more flexible if you're happy with trying them out.

    What do you think?

  • Evon
    Community Member

    Hi Littlebobbytables,

    thank you for the quick response. Is there a link to a totrial for one 1Password set up that I could forward to the assistant so she may set all that up ?


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Evon,

    Certainly :smile:

    There is our Sync with Dropbox guide (Mac). In there it will link you to a Dropbox page on How do I share folders with other people? and our Share a vault page.

    Now if 1Password on one of these machines is essentially a fresh copy, one that hasn't been configured before then our Finding existing 1Password data during setup may prove informative too.

    Now we can guide you or your assistant in more detail if we have a better idea of your desired vault configuration.

    Is it the case that the CEO will have a primary vault that they don't want to share and want to just sync a secondary vault with assistant or just a single vault between these two copies of 1Password? What will also be a factor is if this vault is to be the only one on the machine used by the assistant e.g. the secondary vault for the CEO is the primary vault for the assistant.

    As you can see, there are a number of configurations and it's a preference thing rather than there being any right or wrong approach but once we know we should be able to say "guide X here, guide Y there and you should be good" :smile:

  • Evon
    Community Member

    Hi @littlebobbytables,

    I appreciate the information, essentially, we would like the account to run on two different Mac's but be identical. Same passwords in each vault. Thakn you for all your help! Really appreciate it.

    All the best,


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Evon,

    A single vault is the easiest configuration.

    With a single Dropbox account shared between them

    1. Synchronise the CEO's vault to Dropbox. You will find our Sync with Dropbox useful for this.
    2. Set up access to the same Dropbox account on the assistant's Mac.
    3. Our guide on Finding existing 1Password data during setup should be all you need to then connect 1Password on the assistant's Mac to the sync data in Dropbox.

    With separate Dropbox accounts

    1. Follow step 1. from above.
    2. Create the second Dropbox account (if it doesn't exist already) and share the 1Password that exists in Dropbox between the two accounts. This Dropbox guide, How do I share a file or folder with others? will help there.
    3. Set up access to the assistant's Dropbox account on the assistant's Mac.
    4. Follow step 3 from above.

    That should be all you need :smile: If you have any questions or experience any problems let us know and we'll do our best to help.

This discussion has been closed.