won't fill in dropbox login


credentials are in main 1P but browser extension will not fill the fields. 1P shows dropbox but leaves the fields blank. have had a lot of trouble with 1P lately , having to request fill 2-3 times or copy and past from main program.


  • MikeT

    Hi @greenscreen,

    I'm sorry to hear 1Password isn't working properly for you. Can you tell us the following:

    1. What version of Windows and 1Password are you using?
    2. Which browser are you using and what is the version of the 1Password extension installed in your browser.

    How are you opening Dropbox.com, is it:

    1. Opening it from the main 1Password program or 1Password extension
    2. Visiting Dropbox.com manually in the browser and asking 1Password to fill in via the keyboard shortcut or pressing the 1Password button.
  • greenscreen
    Community Member

    win7, 1P4.5.0.572, Chrome,, from the 1P extension.

  • MikeT

    Hi @greenscreen,

    I tested with your versions and it works for me.

    If you're opening from the extension, it might be because of the way they redesigned the home page. Try editing your Login for Dropbox to use this URL: https://www.dropbox.com/login

    Once that's saved, try opening it and see if it works better.

  • greenscreen
    Community Member

    exact same url as i have. occasionally works on third or fourth try. as i said earlier 1P seems to be getting more erratic as time goes on. newest version has not helped.

  • MikeT

    Hi @greenscreen,

    Please use this guide to generate the diagnostic report for us, make sure to reproduce the problem first before generating the report. When you email us the report, include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can look for it, and confirm we got the email.

This discussion has been closed.