Unable to open Vault created on Mac on a Windows laptop


I have been successfully using multiple vaults, the Primary shared just with my own devices and the Secondary shared between both my wife's and my own devices. Sharing in both instances is being performed using Dropbox to sync between MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac and various iOS devices. All working beautifully! Today, I have purchased the Windows version to run on my work laptop. I successfully opened the "Primary" vault on the PC however, I am unable to get it to open the "Secondary" vault. I keep receiving an advice that the xxxxx.agilekeychain file is not a 1Password Vault. It advises that Dropbox may be syncing the Vault (which is not the case). I have created a test secure note in the "Primary" Vault and it successfully syncs between the PC, my iPad and my MacBook Pro, so I believe I have syncing using Dropbox setup correctly. Please advise what I have done wrong with the "Secondary" Vault.

Thanks in advance.


  • Are the other devices pulling information from the secondary vault correctly?
    If you create a test note in the secondary vault, does it show up on the other devices that access said vault?

  • ausernie
    Community Member

    Yes Alex. The synchronisation between all the Apple devices is working fine. It is only 1Password running on the Windows device that is incapable of opening the shared vault.

  • LauraR

    @ausernie - Could you email us at support+forum@agilebits.com and we can give you instructions to create diagnostics report from all your devices. We can then investigate in more detail. Thanks!

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